[ICPSR] Webinar invitation: Announcing the ICPSR Student Data Sandbox!
Linda Detterman
lindamd at umich.edu
Fri Nov 20 10:36:59 EST 2020
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Please join us on December 3, 2020 at 2pm EST for the ICPSR webinar: “ICPSR
Student Data Sandbox Debut.” This webinar is free and open to the public,
please share this announcement.
Register now <http://myumi.ch/K43oD>. Registrants will receive a link and
password to the webinar via email.
[image: Webinar announcement for ICPSR Student Data Sandbox December 2020]
Introducing the ICPSR Student Data Sandbox!
The Sandbox (https://www.openicpsr.org/openicpsr/studentdata) is a place
for students and classes from ICPSR member institutions to self-publish
data they generate and/or use. Join us for an orientation to our latest
data tool where students of any age will:
- Learn about data management with the goal of sharing
- Receive a genuine data citation and persistent identifier for use in
resumes/CVs or other future reference needs
- Learn from each other's data
The data can be collected by the students themselves or subsets of existing
datasets, anything that students use for their own research.
This webinar will include best practices and general instructions for
building your sandcastle (we had to!). We'll discuss how research methods
courses that generally conduct campus surveys can compare their results to
those from the previous years or to others from different kinds of schools,
and how students looking for data for a research project might be
interested to know what others have used. The possibilities are almost
This is part of the ICPSR Maximizing Your Membership Value Series. See
previous webinars from this series on the ICPSR YouTube channel
<http://youtube.com/icpsr>, and find out more about ICPSR membership at
Questions? Contact annalees at umich.edu.
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