[ICPSR] Curating and Managing Research Data for Re-Use Workshop - July 27-31

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Mon Mar 9 11:18:48 EDT 2015

The ICPSR Summer Program is offering a five-day workshop on Curating and
Managing Research Data for Re-Use
<http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/sumprog/courses/0149>, July 27-31,
2015. This workshop is for individuals interested or actively engaged in
the curation and management of research data for sharing and reuse,
particularly data librarians, data archivists, and data producers and
stewards with responsibilities for data management.

Instructors Louise Corti (UK Data Archive), Jared Lyle (ICPSR), and Veerle
Van den Eynden (UK Data Archive) will discuss best practices and tools for
data curation, from selecting and preparing data for archiving to
optimizing and promoting data for reuse. ICPSR social science quantitative
datasets and UK Data Archive qualitative and cross-disciplinary data
collections will serve as case studies and participants will track the
datasets as they make their way through the data assessment, review,
processing and curation pipeline.

Participants will learn about and gain proficiency in the full range of
life cycle activities: data review and preparation; confidential data
management; effective documentation practices; how to create, comply with,
and evaluate required data management plans; digital repository
requirements and assessment; and running user support and promotional
activities for data. Emphasis will be placed on hands-on exercises
demonstrating curation practices and on discussion for sharing local
experiences and learning from others. Additional context and expertise will
be provided through invited keynote lectures by research data experts.

Participants will leave with knowledge and experience of how to review,
assess, curate, and promote data collections for long-term preservation and

Enrollment is limited to 25 participants. Registration is available through
the ICPSR Summer Program
<http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/sumprog/2015/index.html> Web

Questions? Contact the Summer Program at sumprog at icpsr.umich.edu or (734)
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