[ICPSR] Tentative Schedule Announced for 2015 ICPSR Biennial Meeting!

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Tue Mar 3 12:26:33 EST 2015

*The ICPSR Biennial Meeting will take place September 30 – October 2, 2015.*
This year’s confere <https://www.blogger.com/null>nce theme is *“Working
Together for Effective Data Stewardship.”* With over 17 workshops and
sessions in development, this biennial meeting will highlight ICPSR’s core
functions, featuring current data collections and data-related tools and
exciting new data projects. The meeting will also feature practical
approaches and strategies to work with data producers to share data, write
data management plans, steward discipline-focused repositories, and locate
tools and resources to assist in curating and managing research data.
The meeting registration site is expected to be launched later this spring.
Until then, a sneak peek at the workshops and sessions being organized is
found on the ICPSR website here:

Workshops take place on Wednesday, September 30 followed by the meeting on
Thursday and Friday, October 1-2. New this year is the Data Carpentry
workshop on Monday and Tuesday, September 28-29 (tentative). More on the
Data Carpentry workshop is found here: http://datacarpentry.org/

The 2015 ICPSR Meeting will also include formal and informal opportunities
to network with fellow Official and Designated Representatives and
attendees from member institutions and ICPSR staff. The meeting is open to
individuals from member institutions
invited guests and speakers. There is no registration fee for the meeting.

ICPSR looks forward to offering registration this spring and to seeing you
this fall!


Linda Detterman

Assistant Director, Collection Delivery

Marketing & Membership Director

ICPSR – University of Michigan

lindamd at umich.edu

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