[Eurobarometer] Update of Standard Eurobarometer 85.2, Release of Special Eurobarometer 92.1

Heizmann, Boris Boris.Heizmann at gesis.org
Tue Mar 10 08:16:02 EDT 2020

Dear list members:
Please note the completely processed and documented archive edition with variable report (codebook) for Standard Eurobarometer 85.2 and the release of Special Eurobarometer 92.1. Please also note that our Database Catalogue is currently offline. Should you be interested in obtaining files from these studies please contact us at dataservices at gesis.org<mailto:dataservices at gesis.org>. We will then approach you with a download facility for the files you requested.

Eurobarometer 85.2 (ZA6694 May 2016)
Standard Eurobarometer
Archive edition, v2.0.0
Carried out by TNS opinion (BRUSSELS), coordinated by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate-General Communication (COMM.A.1.: Strategy, Corporate Communication Actions and Eurobarometer), between May 21  and May 31, 2016.

  *   Corrected Albanian SIZE OF COMMUNITY variable p6al and the corresponding weights

  *   Standard EU and trend questions (QA)
  *   The Europe 2020 strategy and policy priorities (QB)
  *   The financial and economic crisis and related EU policies (QC)
  *   European citizenship (QD)

Eurobarometer 92.1 (ZA7579, September 2019)
Special Eurobarometer
Pre-release, v1.0.0
Carried out by Kantar Public Brussels on behalf of Kantar Belgium, on request of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate General Communication (COMM.A.3.: Media monitoring and Eurobarometer), between September 11 and September 29, 2019.


  *   QA under embargo
  *   QB under embargo
  *   Attitudes of Europeans towards Air Quality (QC)
  *   Undeclared work in the European Union (QC)

With kind regards
GESIS Eurobarometer Data Service
eurobarometer-dataservice at gesis.org<mailto:eurobarometer-dataservice at gesis.org>

Dr. Boris Heizmann
Senior Researcher
Data Archive for the Social Sciences (DAS)
GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
D-50667 Cologne
Tel.: +49 (0)221 47694 486

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