[Eurobarometer] Update of Special Eurobarometer 85.1OVR, Release of Flash Eurobarometer 480

Heizmann, Boris Boris.Heizmann at gesis.org
Thu Feb 13 08:14:39 EST 2020

Dear list members:
Please note the completely processed and documented archive edition with variable report (codebook) for the following Special Eurobarometer and the release of Flash Eurobarometer 480.

Please also note that our Database Catalogue is currently offline. Should you be interested in obtaining files from these studies please contact us at dataservices at gesis.org<mailto:dataservices at gesis.org>. We will then approach you with a download facility for the files you requested.

Eurobarometer 85.1OVR (ZA6696 April 2016)
Special Eurobarometer
Archive edition, v2.0.0
Carried out by TNS opinion (BRUSSELS), coordinated by the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, Directorate-General for Communication, Public Opinion Monitoring Unit, and by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate-General Communication (COMM.A.1.: Strategy, Corporate Communication Actions and Eurobarometer), between April 9  and April 25, 2016.

*         European Youth in 2016 (QA)

Flash Eurobarometer 480 (ZA7577)
Citizens' awareness and perception of EU Regional policy
Fieldwork: June 2019
Coverage: EU 28
Archive release v1.0.0

With kind regards
GESIS Eurobarometer Data Service
eurobarometer-dataservice at gesis.org<mailto:eurobarometer-dataservice at gesis.org>

Dr. Boris Heizmann
Senior Researcher
Data Archive for the Social Sciences (DAS)
GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
D-50667 Cologne
Tel.: +49 (0)221 47694 486

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