[Eurobarometer] Eurobarometer archive releases

Moschner, Meinhard Meinhard.Moschner at gesis.org
Tue Sep 11 08:46:27 EDT 2012

Dear list members,
we are pleased to announce the following NEW Eurobarometer releases:

Eurobarometer 77.1
GESIS Study Number: ZA5597
ICPSR Study Number: not yet assigned

Carried out by TNS OPINION & SOCIAL (BRUSSELS), on request of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate General Press and Communication, Public Opinion, between February 25 and March 12, 2012.

1st archive pre-release, dataset version 1.0.0 as of September 10, 2012, doi:10.4232/1.11445

The following topical modules have been released:

-   Civil protection (QB1-QB6)
-   Humanitarian Aid (QC1-QC7)
-   Public health: Smoking habits (QD1-QD24)
-   Multilingualism: learning, knowledge and use of foreign languages (QE1-QE8, D48a-f, SD3-SD5)

Primary data access via GESIS data catalogue: DBK-Download<http://info1.gesis.org/dbksearch19/Docs.asp?no=5597> (ZACAT publication forthcoming)


Eurobarometer 77.2
GESIS Study Number: ZA5598
ICPSR Study Number: not yet assigned

Carried out by TNS OPINION & SOCIAL (BRUSSELS), on request of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate General Press and Communication, Public Opinion, between March 10 and March 25, 2012.

1st archive pre-release, dataset version 1.0.0 as of September 10, 2012, doi:10.4232/1.11446

The following topical modules have been released:

-   Telephone numbers and helplines for social services (QB1-QB7)
-   Europeans and agriculture: food security, food quality and the countryside (QD1-QD6)
-   Internet use and cyber security (QE1-QE14)

Primary data access via GESIS data catalogue: DBK-Download<http://info1.gesis.org/dbksearch19/Docs.asp?no=5598> (ZACAT publication forthcoming)


For the following Eurobarometer archive edition UPDATES have recently been released and made available through DBK-Download (ZACAT publication forthcoming):

GESIS Study Number: ZA5235
ICPSR Study Number: not yet assigned
Eurobarometer 73.5 (6/2010)
Archive Edition, dataset V4.0.0

GESIS Study Number: ZA5234
ICPSR Study Number: not yet assigned
Eurobarometer 73.4 (5/2010)
Archive Edition, dataset V2.0.0

GESIS Study Number: ZA5233
ICPSR Study Number: 30161
Eurobarometer 73.3 (3-4/2010)
Archive Edition, dataset V3.0.0

GESIS Study Number: ZA5236
ICPSR Study Number: not yet assigned
Eurobarometer 73.2&73.3 (2-4/2010)
Archive Edition, dataset V2.0.0

GESIS Study Number: ZA5232
ICPSR Study Number: 29761
Eurobarometer 73.2 (2-3/2010)
1st Archive Edition, V3.0.0

GESIS Study Number: ZA5000
ICPSR Study Number: not yet assigned
Eurobarometer 73.1 (1-2/2010)
Archive Edition, dataset V4.0.0

GESIS Study Number: ZA4999
ICPSR Study Number: 29842
Eurobarometer 72.5 (11-12/2009)
Archive Edition, dataset V5.0.0

In case of any doubt or question please don't hesitate to contact me.

With best regards

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Dept. Data Archive for the Social Sciences (DAS)

Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
D-50667 Cologne

Tel: +49 - 221 - 476 94 - 460
Fax: +49 - 221 - 476 94 - 199

meinhard.moschner at gesis.org<mailto:meinhard.moschner at gesis.org>
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