[Eurobarometer] Eurobarometer archive releases

Moschner, Meinhard Meinhard.Moschner at gesis.org
Thu Aug 9 11:28:58 EDT 2012

Dear list members,
we are pleased to announce the following Eurobarometer releases:


Eurobarometer 73.1
GESIS Study Number ZA5000
ICPSR Study id not yet assigned

Carried out by TNS OPINION & SOCIAL (BRUSSELS), on request of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate General Press and Communication, Public Opinion, between January 29 and February 25, 2010.

Archive pre-release dataset v3.0.0 as of August 9, 2012 (doi:10.4232/1.11411)

All topical modules have been released:

- The European Parliament - post-election survey (QA1-QA8) - NEW
- Science and Technology (QC1-QC17)
- Biotechnology (QB1-QB34)

Online access to data and documentation via DBK-Download<http://info1.gesis.org/dbksearch19/Docs.asp?no=5000>!


Eurobarometer 75.1
GESIS Study Number ZA5479
ICPSR Study id not yet assigned

Carried out by TNS OPINION & SOCIAL (BRUSSELS), on request of the
EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate General Press and Communication, Public Opinion, between February 9 and March 8, 2011.

Archive pre-release dataset v5.0.0 as of August 9, 2012 (doi:10.4232/1.11413)

All topical modules have been released:

- Energy in the European Union (QA16-QA21) - NEW
- Citizens' rights and the European Ombudsman (QB1-QB5) - NEW
- E-Communication in the household (QC1 to QC14)
- The Internal Market: awareness, perceptions, impacts (QD1 to QD20)
-  CO2 capture and storage - awareness and acceptance (QE1 to QE21)

Access to primary data and documentation via DBK-Download<http://info1.gesis.org/dbksearch19/Docs.asp?no=547900>!


Eurobarometer 75.1 EP: Women in the European Union
GESIS Study Number ZA5526
ICPSR Study id not yet assigned

Carried out by TNS OPINION & SOCIAL (BRUSSELS) between February 9 and March 8, 2011, commissioned by the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT and co-ordinated by the EC Directorate-General for Communication (Public Opinion Monitoring Unit).

Archive pre-release dataset v1.0.0 as of August 9, 2012 (doi:10.4232/1.11412)

Separate release of the EB 75.1 EP module on:
-  Women in the European Union - women and work, women in politics, measures regarding violence against women (QA1-QA15)

Access to data and documentation via DBK-Download<http://info1.gesis.org/dbksearch19/Docs.asp?no=5526>!


With kind regards

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Dept. Data Archive for the Social Sciences (DAS)

Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
D-50667 Cologne

Tel: +49 - 221 - 476 94 - 460
Fax: +49 - 221 - 476 94 - 199

meinhard.moschner at gesis.org<mailto:meinhard.moschner at gesis.org>
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