[EB] Eurobarometer 10

Bennett, Fern fbennett at indiana.edu
Thu Jul 22 15:12:26 EDT 1999

The warning message was that the value labels command specifies a given
value more that once.  I have
also gotten the same warning on Euro-barometer 12 (ICPSR 7778).  Thanks for
your help.
Fern Bennett  fbennett at indiana.edu <mailto:fbennett at indiana.edu>   855-1451
Database Manager
Department of Political Science
Indiana University

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Joe Willey [SMTP:jwilley at binghamton.edu]
	Sent:	Thursday, July 22, 1999 2:02 PM
	To:	eurobarometer at icpsr.umich.edu
	Subject:	Re: [EB] Eurobarometer 10

	Not completely sure of the answer as you did not supply the text of
the warning
	measure. But I don't think it's a problem.
	The dual use of  codes is something that I have been railing about
	data sets a lot recently. It can take up a lot of space, but the
	Euro-Barometers split EVERYTHING up by countries for which I'm
thankful (ie a
	question on media usage in the questionnaire will be translated to x
number of
	variables-one for each country the question was asked in).
	You (and your user) just need to be sure that you only use this
variable when
	it is subsetted by country. Alternatively, recode it.
	To pepeat, I doubt anything's wrong, but send me what spss warning
message you
	are getting and I can try to confirm that nothing's wrong.

	Cheers. Joe

	"Bennett, Fern" wrote:

	> I was wondering if anyone has encountered a warning message in
	> regards to variable 27 in
	> Eurobarometer 10: National Priorities and the Institutions of
	> October -November 1978.    I can
	> see what the problem is but am not experienced enough the know
whether I
	> should just disregard this
	> warning.  In the SPSS cards values 1, 3 and 0 are used twice.  The
	> says values 1, 3 and 0 are
	> the Netherlands, Italy and Denmark, but also France, Irland,
Britain and
	> Northern Ireland use these values.
	> I hope I haven't totally confused everyone.  Thanks.
	> ******************************************************
	> Fern Bennett  fbennett at indiana.edu <mailto:fbennett at indiana.edu>
	> Database Manager
	> Department of Political Science
	> Indiana University
	> ******************************************************

	Joseph Willey, Ph.D.
	Data Services Research Consultant
	Binghamton University
	(607) 777 - 2974
	jwilley @binghamton.edu

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