[EB] Mime-Version: 1.0

Peter Granda peterg at icpsr.umich.edu
Mon May 3 16:18:52 EDT 1999


    Thanks for your note.  ICPSR has followed the embargo provisions for
the Eurobarometers quite literally - D4 is always included in instructions
from the EC as part of the variables under embargo but C5 was not.  In any
case the date of expiry of all embargoes for EB 47.1 is May 20 so we will
be releasing the full dataset thereafter.

Peter Granda

At 10:50 AM 5/3/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Dear Eurobarometer-users
>I have just received recently through ICPSR the EB 47.0, 47.1 and 47.2. I
>noticed that all variables concerning vote intentions are coded 99 for all
>individuals (e.g. D4_BEL for Belgium, D4_DEN for Denmark etc.) while a
>completely coded variable exists for European party groups.
>I find this rather puzzling: Are the vote intention variables at the
>level under embargo, while the European party groups are not? I couldn't
>find any information on the specific embargos, but this seems in any case
>rather weird. Has anybody else run into this problem or can give me a hint
>at resolving it?
>thanks so much
>Simon Hug                                      
>Department of Political Science
>University of California, San Diego
>9500 Gilman Drive
>La Jolla CA 92093-0521
>Phone: ++1 619 534 2758
>Fax: ++1 619 534 7130
>Email: simon.hug at politic.unige.ch
>URL: http://www.unige.ch/ses/spo/staff/simon

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