[DDI-users] QuestionGrid and InParameter/@limitArrayIndex in DDI 3.2

Wackerow, Joachim Joachim.Wackerow at gesis.org
Sun Dec 13 12:27:58 EST 2015

This is a DDI 3.2 question.

I'm wondering how the attribute limitArrayIndex can be used with multiple tokens. What is the purpose of this? How is the order of the tokens related to a complex QuestionGrid?

In general:
QuestionGrid can have an OutParameter. This can be bound to an InParameter of a Command of a GenerationInstruction.

The simple case:
One line in a QuestionGrid represents one question which results in one variable. A single value could be bound by InParameter/@limitArrayIndex [0] which would be the result of the first line; InParameter/@limitArrayIndex[1] the result of the second line etc.

Some complex cases:
One line in a QuestionGrid represents multiple questions and results in multiple variables.
One line in a QuestionGrid represents one question where multiple answers are allowed. The result can be a computed variable on the basis of the multiple answers or can be multiple variables.

I thought it is possible to use single values of the array by defining multiple bindings for the above mentioned QuestionGrids. What is then the purpose of multiple tokens of limitArrayIndex? Is it related to the use with this kind of QuestionGrids?

The documentation of limitArrayIndex says only:
"When the InParameter represents an array of items, this attribute specifies the index identification of the items within the zero-based array which should be treated as input parameters. If not specified, the full array is treated as the input parameter."

Any comment appreciated.


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