[DDI-users] Mapping Extended Dublin Core (terms namespace) to DDI v.2

Olof Olsson olof.olsson.2 at gu.se
Tue Jul 30 04:39:25 EDT 2013

Hi Eleni,
I am not aware of any DDI 2.x mappings to dc-terms, I know this was discussed by some of the developers at IASSIST earlier this year and it would be a good task to make collaborate on a draft of this mapping and send it around in the community and get feedback.
I started a google docs spreadsheet  and added some of the mappings:

Other people who want to contribute to this mappings just follow the links and add mappings; use the reference number and tag-name from:

If you want to contribute with an DDI 3.1/3.2 mapping I have added columns for these as well.

Hope this will be a good start to get the cross-walk defined (a least in some minimal extent).

Best regards,

Från: ddi-users-bounces at icpsr.umich.edu [mailto:ddi-users-bounces at icpsr.umich.edu] För Castro, Eleni
Skickat: den 22 juli 2013 16:08
Till: ddi-users at icpsr.umich.edu
Kopia: Philip Durbin
Ämne: [DDI-users] Mapping Extended Dublin Core (terms namespace) to DDI v.2

Hello DDI community,

I'm trying to put together a cross-walk for extended Dublin Core (terms/namespace<http://www.dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/>) elements to DDI v.2 for a project that I'm working on using the Harvard Dataverse Network and was wondering if anyone else has done this before for their repositories to see if there are any best practices within the metadata community.

I found this page<http://www.ddialliance.org/resources/tools/dc> on the DDI site but it only gives the core set of 15 elements, which we have already mapped for Dataverse Network DDI v.2.

Any advice would be most appreciated.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Eleni Castro
Research Coordinator, Data Acquisition and Archiving, Data Science
IQSS, Harvard University
1737 Cambridge Street, K318
Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel: 617-496-0703
ecastro at fas.harvard.edu<mailto:ecastro at fas.harvard.edu>
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