[DDI-users] conditions statements

Elizabeth Bennett ddi-users@icpsr.umich.edu
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 09:54:49 -0400

Hi, all --

Can someone tell me why the <conditions> tag in the Data Access section
of the markup is Not Repeatable? CPANDA uses a standard conditions
statement, but I have a group of datasets for which the depositor has
set additional conditions. I would prefer to treat these as two
different things and use the source= attribute to distinguish them --
indeed, this seems like good practice and consistent with the DDI's
approach elsewhere. Is there some good reason why this tag cannot be

Thanks --

Elizabeth Z. Bennett
Project Manager/Associate Director
Cultural Policy and the Arts National Data Archive
Princeton University Library
One Washington Road
Princeton NJ 08544-2098

phone: 609-258-7357
fax: 609-258-0441
