[ICPSR] ICPSR Webinar Alert: Examining the impact of COVID-19 on adults with physical disabilities from marginalized communities

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Fri Apr 9 14:27:43 EDT 2021

April 22, 2021 2:00 PM ET
Link to register:

This webinar will present the findings from a recent study on the initial
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adults with physical disabilities from
marginalized communities in Southeast Michigan, one of the early pandemic
epicenters in the United States. Interviews with 16 adults revealed how
participants either had to engage in risky behavior to have their needs met
or avoid risk and not have those needs met. They contribute to
understandings of risk, its impact on physical and psychological health,
and the importance of accommodations. The study expands insight into early
responses to the pandemic among individuals with long-term physical
disabilities from marginalized communities. It helps elucidate how
socioeconomic status and race/ethnicity can differentially impact the lives
of adults with physical disabilities and further marginalize a population
that is “always already” vulnerable. This knowledge can expand awareness
and appreciation of how social, economic, and political systems are
structured and integrated into future clinical guidelines and emergency
response policies and more adequately addressed.

This webinar is free and open to the public. Communication Access Realtime
Translation services will be available to provide live closed captions for
the event.

The content of this webinar has been developed under a grant from the
National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation
Research (NIDILRR #90RTHF0001). NIDILRR is a Center within the
Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS). The contents of this webinar do not necessarily represent
the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, or HHS and you should not assume endorsement by
the Federal Government.

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