[ICPSR] ICPSR DataBytes -- Spring 2020

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Tue Jun 16 15:06:36 EDT 2020

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[image: ICPSR DataBytes]

*In This Issue*

   - Spring into ICPSR for a Bit! <#m_-4892145879196039208_a01>
   - Enjoy Summer. Plan for Fall. The ICPSR Fall Data Fair Begins on
   September 21! <#m_-4892145879196039208_a02>
   - Plan for Fall 2021 - the ICPSR Biennial Meeting October 6-8, 2021
   - The ICPSR Summer Program has Gone Virtual! Still Time to Register!
   - Calling All ICPSR Members! <#m_-4892145879196039208_a05>
   - FY2021 Member Invoices Issued in April <#m_-4892145879196039208_a06>
   - Council News: FY2022 Membership Fees Announced
   - 2020 ICPSR Research Paper Winners Announced!
   - Webinar Alert: How to Access and Use the Migrant and Seasonal Head
   Start Study Restricted-use Data Sets – June 30, 1:00 pm EDT
   - ICPSR Launches New Repository for COVID-19 Data
   - 2020 Data Resource Page: Coronavirus, Activism, Policing, Census,
   Elections, and More <#m_-4892145879196039208_a11>
   - Supporting Data Access through Challenging Times

*Get Connected!*
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follow us on YouTube] <http://www.youtube.com/user/ICPSRWeb> [image: Follow
us on Instagram] <https://www.instagram.com/theicpsr/>

*Membership Bits*

Current membership count: 791

# ICPSR Facebook Fans: 4,805

# Twitter Followers: 7,196

# YouTube Subscribers: 1,390

# Instagram Followers: 217

This newsletter was broadcast on behalf of:

University of Michigan
330 Packard
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

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[image: ICPSR DataBytes]

Spring into ICPSR for a Bit!

While ICPSR's Perry Building awaits our return, spring continues, the
flowers are out, and ICPSR is blossoming with many bits and bytes to share!

Enjoy Summer. Plan for Fall. The ICPSR Fall Data Fair Begins on September

Save the date! More details for ICPSR’s fully online, five-day Data Fair
will be announced soon. This Data Fair, the sixth of its kind, consists of
4-5 webinars per day focused on all things data. ICPSR staff, ICPSR
Representatives, the ICPSR Council, and special guests come together online
to train and inform. Watch for email
and social media communications soon with registration beginning later this
Plan for Fall 2021 - the ICPSR Biennial Meeting October 6-8, 2021

Another ICPSR Biennial Meeting
<https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/pages/membership/or/ormeet/index.html> is
in the works! Block your calendars and plan to make a visit to the
University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor in 2021. In addition to
beautiful fall foliage, you will enjoy immersion into delivering data
services, data management and curation, all things ICPSR, and a bounty of
networking. More information to come later this year!
The ICPSR Summer Program has Gone Virtual! Still Time to Register!

Based upon actions taken by the University of Michigan and other
institutions to eliminate in-person classroom instruction this summer,
Summer Program <https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/sumprog/> has decided
that both of our four-week sessions usually held in Ann Arbor will be
offered online. There is still time to register for the second session
and several short workshops
Calling All ICPSR Members!

Did you miss the webinar this past May titled “Maximizing Your ICPSR
Membership Value <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kcA_SS5LLo&t=2s>,” or do
you want a copy of the slides or recording? Visit ICPSR’s YouTube channel
to relive the session. Find out why over 60 individuals attended this
session! And coming soon to the ICPSR channel
recordings and slides from webinars titled: “*Hidden Gems of ICPSR – A Peek
into the Data Vault*,” and “*Moving Beyond the Title: Evaluating the Data
You Find*.”
FY2021 Member Invoices Issued in April

Invoices for the membership period beginning July 1, 2020, were mailed in
April and are due on August 30. Missing your invoice? Please contact us
<icpsr-help at umich.edu>.
Council News: FY2022 Membership Fees Announced

The ICPSR Council
met June 10-11. As is required by the ICPSR Constitution, membership fees
must be approved at least one year in advance. Council approved a membership
rate structure
<https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/membership/join.html> for
FY2022 that is the same as FY2021, resulting in no increases for member
institutions for the period beginning July 1, 2021.
2020 ICPSR Research Paper Winners Announced!

ICPSR is pleased to announce the First- and Second-Place winners
<https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/pages/ICPSR/prize/winners.html> of our
2020 Research Paper Competitions!

We are also pleased to announce the 2021 ICPSR Research Paper Competitions
for Undergraduates and Graduate Students. The awards are $1,000 for first
place and $750 for second place in each category and publication on the ICPSR
Research Paper Competition Winners <http://bit.ly/2KoZOJA> website and in a
special edition of the ICPSR Bulletin. See the competition website for
details. The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2021.
Webinar Alert: How to Access and Use the Migrant and Seasonal Head Start
Study Restricted-use Data Sets – June 30, 1:00 pm EDT

The webinar will provide researchers and analysts with: an overview of MSHS
and the MSHS Study; study design, sample, and measures; primary datasets
and documentation; representativeness and weights; illustration of MSHS
analyses and findings; and guidance on accessing the dataset, including
ICPSR’s standard application process and the submission of the signed data
use agreement. Register here <http://myumi.ch/7ZnxZ>.
ICPSR Launches New Repository for COVID-19 Data

ICPSR has created a new archive for data examining the social, behavioral,
public health, and economic impact of the novel coronavirus global
pandemic. The COVID-19 Data Repository
is a free, self-publishing option for any researcher or journalist who
wants to share data related to COVID-19. The data will be available to any
interested user for secondary analysis. We encourage deposits of data to
help researchers and journalists understand and respond to the pandemic.
2020 Data Resource Page: Coronavirus, Activism, Policing, Census,
Elections, and More

The year 2020 is turning out to be a year unlike any many of us have
experienced in our lives. Keenly aware of major world events (both planned
and unexpected) that will have our data users looking for resources, ICPSR
staff have put together a 2020 Resources
<https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/about/cms/2301> list that we will update
throughout the year. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please let us
know at icpsr-help at umich.edu or fill out our submission form
<http://forms.gle/Xk3ki717oDa3F1Yv6> to suggest resources to add to the
Supporting Data Access through Challenging Times

We know that this is a challenging time to continue your work, including
access to ICPSR data if you are off-campus and/or conducting critical
research using ICPSR restricted data
<https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/about/cms/2321>. Please note that
member-affiliated MyData accounts may need to be authenticated. If you have
questions or experience problems, please email us at ICPSR-help at umich.edu
Need to create a MyData account? Enjoy this short video developed by the NACDA
Program on Aging <https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/pages/NACDA/index.html>
noting that MyData creation is a piece of cake
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43TmY2leceM> and is the same across all of
our projects.

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