[ICPSR] Webinar Announcement: How to Access and Use the Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Study Restricted-use Data Sets

Annalee Shelton annalees at umich.edu
Tue Jun 16 09:48:00 EDT 2020

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Join us for a webinar about accessing and using data
<https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR37348> from the Migrant and Seasonal Head
Start Study (MSHS Study)

*When:* June 30, 2020 from 1:00 to 2:30 PM EDT

Register for the Webinar <http://myumi.ch/7ZnxZ>

The Migrant and Seasonal Head Start (MSHS) Study provides a national
picture of MSHS programs, centers, families, and children. The MSHS Study
was designed through extensive engagement and input from the MSHS community
to better understand:

   - characteristics of MSHS programs, centers, staff, families, and
   - services that MSHS provides;
   - instructional practices in MSHS classrooms; and
   - MSHS supports for child, parent, and family well-being.

The webinar will provide researchers and analysts with:

   - An overview of MSHS and the MSHS Study;
   - Study design, sample, and measures;
   - Primary datasets and documentation;
   - Representativeness and weights;
   - Illustration of MSHS analyses and findings; and
   - Guidance on accessing the dataset <https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR37348>,
   including ICPSR’s standard application process and the submission of the
   signed data use agreement.

Information about the MSHS Study methodology, sample, measures, and findings

*Hosts:* Child & Family Data Archive <http://myumi.ch/ICPSRCFDATA_home> at
ICPSR, Abt Associates, and the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation

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Annalee Shelton
Membership Experience Manager
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
<https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/> at the University of Michigan
annalees at umich.edu

*- Save the date! <http://bit.ly/341u0Bk> The ICPSR Data Fair is Sept
21-25. *
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