[ICPSR] Introducing LinkageLibrary: a new Data Linkage/Entity Resolution/Disambiguation Repository

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Thu Mar 14 09:17:48 EDT 2019

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Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to invite you to participate in an exciting new repository for
data, code and communication around Data Linkage/Entity

Linkage Library <https://linkagelibrary.icpsr.umich.edu/linkagelibrary/> is
a place where people can meet and share data and code across disciplines.

It is a community and a repository for researchers involved in combining

We want to engage computer scientists, statisticians, and social,
behavioral, economic, and health scientists who will deposit code and/or
data and join the conversation through the communication tool. Entries can
be as simple as a pointer to your GitHub or other public site, or if you
are old school like me, the code and data can be uploaded to the site,
hosted at ICPSR.

Visit us today and create a project! (Click on “upload data”.)

For questions, you can either contact me at linkagelibrary at umich.edu or
hautanie at umich.edu.

Linkage Library <https://linkagelibrary.icpsr.umich.edu/linkagelibrary/> is
supported through NSF’s EAGER funding mechanism.

Best regards,
Susan Leonard

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Ann Arbor, MI 48104

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