[ICPSR] Webinar Alert: Finding and Analyzing Disability and Rehabilitation Data

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Wed Oct 25 13:32:16 EDT 2017

*Finding and Analyzing Disability and Rehabilitation Data: *

Tools for locating, accessing, and analyzing survey and administrative data

A joint Cornell University and ADDEP Webinar

*Date and Time*:  Monday, November 13th from 1-2pm EDT


William Erickson, Sarah von Schrader

*K. Lisa Yang and Hock E. Tan Institute on Employment and Disability *

Cornell University

Alison Stroud, Amy Pienta

*Archive of Data on Disability to Enable Policy and Research (ADDEP)*

Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research *(ICPSR)*


Secondary datasets are valuable resources for testing hypotheses and
generating meaningful statistics about issues related to disability and

This presentation will introduce two web-based resources designed to help
researchers learn about:

·         Datasets related to disability and rehabilitation

·         Topics covered by different datasets

·         How to access the datasets

·         Tools to explore and analyze the data

·         Additional dataset resources and how you can share your own data

The *Rehabilitation Dataset Directory*
<http://disabilitystatistics.org/sources-rehab.cfm> is a
browse-able/searchable database providing an overview, description, sample
and other pertinent information for over 50 datasets.

*ADDEP* <http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/addep/index.html> is a
data repository that acquires, preserves, and disseminates research data on
disability and rehabilitation providing researchers an interactive space to
explore and analyze secondary data.

*To register for this free webinar, please go to: *


The Rehabilitation Dataset Directory was developed by the Yang-Tan
Institute on Employment and Disability (YTI) at Cornell University.

The disability data repository, ADDEP, is hosted by ICPSR, the largest
social science data archive in the world and part of the University of
Michigan's Institute for Social Research.

Both resources are supported through a sub-contract to the University of
Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) Center for Large Data Research and Data Sharing
in Rehabilitation (CLDR) funded by The National Institutes of Health -
National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research (P2CHD065702).

*This webinar is free and open to the public. Please share this invitation.*
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