[ICPSR] Two-Part Free Data Webinar: Understanding and Using the Head Start Impact Study (HSIS) Center Analysis File

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Mon Oct 16 14:31:56 EDT 2017

*Two-Part Free Data Webinar: Understanding and Using the Head Start Impact
Study (HSIS) Center Analysis File**

Join *Research Connections
<https://www.researchconnections.org/childcare/welcome>* and Westat
researchers for a 2-part webinar series on the Head Start Impact Study
Center Analysis File, which will soon be added to the Head Start Impact
Study Data Collection
<https://www.researchconnections.org/childcare/studies/29462> via a secure,
virtual data enclave (VDE).

Tuesday, November 14, 1-2:30pm EST: Head Start Impact Study Center Analysis
File Overview

Wednesday November 15, 1-2:30pm EST: Working with the Head Start Impact
Study Center Analysis File

*About the Study*

The Head Start Impact Study (HSIS) was conducted to study the impacts of
Head Start on children and their families, specifically looking
at impacts during the children's preschool, kindergarten, and through their
third-grade year. HSIS was conducted with a nationally representative
sample of 84 grantee/delegate agencies and included 4,667 newly entering,
eligible 3- and 4-year-old children who were randomly assigned to either:
(1) a Head Start group that had access to Head Start program services or
(2) a control group that did not have access to Head Start, but could
enroll in other early childhood programs or non-Head Start services
selected by their parents. Data collection began in fall 2002 and continued
through 2006.

The HSIS Center Analysis File contains 47 variables for 347 of the HSIS
centers. The data are from a variety of publically available data sources
and provide information about the HSIS centers’ communities, including
population and household characteristics, crime statistics, labor, and
housing data.

The *November 14th webinar *will show participants how to apply for access
to the data and use the VDE to work with the data; introduce the Center
Analysis File and give an overview of the variables, data sources; and
discuss the disclosure risk analysis and masking process for the data.
*Part-one webinar
registration link*: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/338530762757

In the *November 15th webinar*, the instructors will provide tips on using
the Center Analysis File including guidance on weighting, merging the
Center Analysis File with other HSIS RUF files, and present examples of
statistical operations using the Center Analysis and other HSIS data.
*Part-two webinar
registration link*: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/424762600993

Presenters: Janet Ciarico and Kristin Madden, Westat; Dharma Akmon,
Research Connections, ICPSR

Both sessions will include time to ask questions. After registering, you
will receive an email with information about joining the webinar. *To
attend both webinars, you need to register for each session.*

***This series will focus exclusively on the Head Start Center Analysis
File. Participants who are not familiar with the HSIS and other data
available from the study are encouraged to explore the HSIS codebooks and
documentation <https://www.researchconnections.org/childcare/studies/29462> and
watch the Head Start Impact Study Online Training webinar
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQpUDvSpjaU> prior to the Head Start
Center Analysis File webinars.
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