[ICPSR] A Sneak Peek into the October 2017 ICPSR Meeting - Registration Coming Soon!
Linda Detterman
lindamd at umich.edu
Thu Apr 13 07:53:14 EDT 2017
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ICPSR 2017 Biennial Meeting -
Building for a Data-Driven Future
*The ICPSR Biennial Meeting is coming soon! The 2017 meeting, open to ICPSR
Official and Designated Representatives and members of ICPSR, will take
place October 11-13 on the campus of the University of Michigan in Ann
Arbor, Michigan.*
The ICPSR staff are building a program to assist data users in retooling,
reenergizing, and organizing for an evolving data-driven present and
future. While still under construction, below is the blueprint of the
meeting program. We expect the registration site to break ground later this
spring. Save the dates as we hope to see you in Ann Arbor in October!
Workshops: Wednesday, October 11 *Understanding Methods Metadata *
Weights? Panel study? Universe? Ever wonder what the terms in the
"Methodology" metadata mean? ICPSR datasets are described in detail by the
research methods employed while collecting and analyzing the data. The
metadata can be somewhat of a mystery or even intimidating for those not
trained in data collection (methods) or analysis techniques. This workshop
will give you just enough of an introduction to the vocabulary of social
research to use this information confidently, whether you are assisting
data users or tagging data yourself.
*Curating and Managing Research Data for Re-Use *
Participants will learn about best practices for curating and managing
research data, how to apply them to daily operations, and the types of
tools that can assist.
*Teaching with Data *
Explore the many data tools, content resources, and opportunities ICPSR and
other data organizations have developed to assist in getting data into the
classroom. We will even debut a few new resources at this session. Time
will be left for discussion among attendees about how they have
incorporated those ICPSR tools into the classroom and encouraged others on
their campus to do so. Learn what works (and what doesn't) from those who
have tried it.
*A Tour through the Statistical Software Maze*
ICPSR offers data in a variety of statistical software formats as well as
online analysis (Survey Documentation and Analysis, or SDA) capabilities.
This hands-on introduction will enable attendees to get to know the
software and SDA, removing curiosity and perhaps some trepidation. Note:
this is an introductory workshop — no statistical background is assumed.
*OR/DR Boot Camp! Fundamentals and the Evolution of the Official and
Designated Representative Role*
This session for new (and not so new) OR/DRs will cover details on the
organization of ICPSR and its governance, roles and responsibilities of the
OR, where and to whom you can go for help, location and use of the ICPSR
website, tips and tools for helping your users, and promoting ICPSR on your
campus. The workshop will include hands-on exercises resulting in
opportunity to network with fellow ORs. We also will orient you to new
research projects at ICPSR and introduce you to some outstanding ORs.
This session is a must for those who are new to ICPSR as well as those
looking to get back in shape as the consortium evolves to meet changing
data curation and data sharing needs. Come learn what makes this
organization and the data it distributes so great!
Sessions: Thursday & Friday, October 12 & 13 *International Data Panel:
Sources, Research Opportunities, and Challenges *
Explore the data collections of various data archives located or focused on
data originating outside the US. This session will feature short
presentations by the Joint Economic and Sociological Data Archive (JESDA),
the China Data Center (CDC), GESIS (Leibniz Institute for the Social
Sciences), and UKDA (UK Data Archive), followed by questions and general
*ICPSR Short but Sweet Project Overviews *
What's going on at ICPSR? In this session, in rapid fashion, we will
present on several different projects that are in the works at ICPSR.
Projects are expected to include: Open Data Flint; DataLumos; Gates
(Millennium) Project; The PATH Study; ADDEP; NACJD: Causes and Correlates
series & restricted-use access options.
*Tips and Tricks for Managing Research Data across the Life Cycle *
Explore how ICPSR Acquisitions can help solve data problems covering:
Proposal Writing and Budget Estimation; Data Collection; Expanding Use;
Archiving for Preservation.
*Federal Data Sharing and Data-Sharing Requirements - Where Are They Now?*
Federal Data Sharing requirements continue to evolve. This session will
discuss the 2013 OSTP memo in 2017 terms, updates to the Common Rule,
requirements related to restricted-use data, ICPSR commitments to
safekeeping and disseminating US government and other social science data,
and more.
*Contemporary Research Data - Data for the Cool Kids!*
This session will explore research that steps outside the traditional
bounds of survey and administrative records research data. Evolving
research using Twitter and linked data sets as well as efforts to deliver
data to neighborhoods to impact outcomes and civic engagement will be
*Navigating Restricted-Use Data Today and Glimpses of the Future *
The road to restricted-use data access can be hard to navigate. This
session will provide background on why some data are restricted and how
they are disseminated for the purposes of assisting attendees in
understanding how to apply for restricted data at ICPSR more effectively
and efficiently.
*What am I seeing? Cool and Not-So-Cool Data Visualization *
Data visualization is everywhere and is key to bring data to life. There
are some great, easy-to-use data visualization tools and websites that can
entice even those with math phobia to play with data. Still, visualized
data need context and interpretation. This session will discuss data
visualization tools and suggest mechanisms to assist users in interpreting
what they create.
*Brought to You by ISR: Featured Projects from the Institute for Social
Research *
ICPSR is a center within the University of Michigan's Institute for Social
Research (ISR). ISR hosts numerous research projects producing research
data and other products of interest to the data community. This session
will feature some of ISR's most popular research projects including the
Institute for Research on Innovation and Science, the Health and Retirement
Study, the Monitoring the Future Study, the Panel Study of Income Dynamics,
and the American National Election Study.
*What is ICPSR in 2017? And, How to Promote it Within Your Institution *
ICPSR is replacing its digital asset management system (called Archonnex)
from data ingest, to curation, to dissemination. The system will enable
ICPSR to prepare for new types of data, new types of projects, and evolving
user experiences (UX). ICPSR has released an updated deposit form and a
first release of the dissemination system. These systems will evolve
significantly over the next several months to provide more intuitive
interfaces, more data tools, and more flexibility for those that are
interacting with ICPSR and its data. This session will discuss the status,
goals, and ongoing evolution of Archonnex and the ICPSR UX.
*Networking Round Tables Round I - Meet, Greet, and Learn from Fellow ICPSR
Back by popular demand, this session, led by fellow ICPSR Official and
Designated Representatives, is a series of topics you told us you wanted to
discuss with your peers. You will be provided time to rotate through as
many as four topics to network, share ideas, and take tested data-sharing
solutions back to your institutions.
*Networking Round Tables Round II - Meet the ICPSR Staff & Get Your
Questions Answered*
Now it is time for ICPSR staff to answer your questions. Staff from several
units and projects including acquisitions (data deposits options including
DataLumos), instructional resources, the ICPSR Summer Program, membership,
computer network services, curation services, and user support will be on
hand to answer and ask questions.
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