[ICPSR] FREE SUMMER WORKSHOP: Maternal Lifestyle Study Data User Workshop

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Tue Apr 11 12:01:20 EDT 2017

Please help us spread the word about this educational opportunity!

*Maternal Lifestyle Study Data User Workshop*

*Dates and Location:* June 14-16, 2017 in Ann Arbor, Michigan
*Instructors: *Barry Lester (Brown University) and Carla Bann (Research
Triangle Institute)

The Maternal Lifestyle Study (MLS) was the largest of the NIH longitudinal
studies of children with prenatal cocaine exposure (PCE). MLS was a
longitudinal multi-site observational study of the long-term effects of
in-utero exposure to cocaine on child development. MLS was conducted at
four geographically diverse, collaborating university centers (Wayne State
University, University of Tennessee at Memphis, University of Miami, and
Brown University). Participants were identified during the newborn period
while in the hospital. The MLS began enrollment of a longitudinal birth
cohort of 1,388 infant/mother dyads in 1993. Subjects in the follow-up were
seen from 1 month of age through 16 years of age across five phases: Phase
1 ? soon after birth; Phase II -- 1-36 months; Phase III -- 4-7 years;
Phase IV -- 8-11 years; Phase V -- 12-16 years. The overall purpose of the
study was to investigate the effects of drug use during pregnancy on acute
neonatal events and long-term physical health, social, behavioral and
neurodevelopmental outcomes.

Participants will be introduced to the Maternal Lifestyle Study, including
an overview of the MLS Phases I-V, the sample, recruitment, data sources,
and mother and child measures. Participants will learn how to explore
across the 203 MLS datasets and link datasets. The course will also cover
data analytic techniques and considerations when using the MLS data as well
as data forms and analyses appropriate to investigate selected outcomes.
The course will be a combination of lecture, discussion, and hands-on

*Prerequisites:* Participants should have a basic understanding of
secondary data organization and manipulation, fundamental data analysis
skills, working knowledge of a statistical package and a substantive
interest in substance use and dependence, particularly as related to
prenatal drug exposure and child development outcomes. Some knowledge of
longitudinal analysis is useful.

*Application:* Admission to this workshop is competitive. Enrollment is
limited to 25 participants. Apply using the ICPSR Summer Program’s
registration portal <http://icpsr.umich.edu/SummerProgram>, where you will
need to upload the following documents:

   - Current curriculum vita
   - Cover letter summarizing research interests and experiences

*Fee: *There is no tuition fee for the course.

*Deadline:* Deadline for application is May 8, 2017.

For issues related to registration, contact sumprog at icpsr.umich.edu
For questions related to the study data, contact nahdap at icpsr.umich.edu
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