[ICPSR] Fall into ICPSR DataBytes -- Autumn 2016!

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Tue Oct 18 09:27:50 EDT 2016

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[image: ICPSR DataBytes: Autumn 2015]

*In This Issue*

   - ICPSR's Autumn Byte <#m_-8949060994144192425_a01>
   - The 2016 ICPSR Data Fair in Review! <#m_-8949060994144192425_a02>
   - Save the Date – 2017 Summer Program <#m_-8949060994144192425_a03>
   - A New Look for ICPSR! <#m_-8949060994144192425_a04>
   - IASSIST 2017 – an Autumn Call for Proposals
   - ICPSR’s Open Data Flint Project Featured at the White House
   - A Healthy New Look for HMCA <#m_-8949060994144192425_a08>
   - Great News for International Scholars on Crime and Justice
   - A Bounty of Student Opportunity! <#m_-8949060994144192425_a10>
   - Are You Among the 80 Percent? <#m_-8949060994144192425_a11>
   - Come Work with Us! <#m_-8949060994144192425_a12>
   - A Cornucopia of Data? Share It! <#m_-8949060994144192425_a13>

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Current membership count: 769

# ICPSR Facebook Fans: 4162

# Twitter Followers: 2768

# YouTube Subscribers: 558

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330 Packard
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

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ICPSR's Autumn Byte [image: Photo of Perry Building in fall]

With warm apple cider, the brilliant colors of fall, and a crisp chill in
the air of Ann Arbor, it’s autumn at ICPSR and time for our fall edition of
The 2016 ICPSR Data Fair in Review!

Over 216 attendees from 131 institutions joined us for 17 webinar sessions
September 26-29 to explore strategies in Navigating the Data (R)Evolution!
The online sessions covered ICPSR data services from depositing to curation
to accessing data, the benefits and challenges of open data and data
curation, and several data projects hosted within ICPSR. Did you miss it?
Recordings and presentation slides can be found on ICPSR's YouTube Channel
as well as on the ICPSR Meeting website

Save the Date – 2017 Summer Program

The ICPSR Summer Program is excited to announce its four-week session dates
with the first session beginning June 26, 2017. More information, including
workshop announcements, will become available soon. Visit the ICPSR Summer
Program website <http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/sumprog/index.jsp> for
the latest details!
A New Look for ICPSR!

ICPSR recently updated its website with large, high-definition imagery, use
of infographics, and a grid-based layout. In addition, the landing page was
constructed to provide a more personal experience for the user immediately
highlighting ICPSR’s user communities, its sponsors, and its staff.
Navigation and functionality were also enhanced. Come take a look!
IASSIST 2017 - an Autumn Call for Proposals

*Data in the Middle: The common language of research * The 43rd annual
conference of the International Association for Social Science Information
Services and Technology (IASSIST) will be held in Lawrence, Kansas from May
23-26, 2017. Many issues around data (sources, strategies, and tools) are
similar across disciplines. While IASSIST has its roots in social science
data, it has also welcomed discussions over the years of other disciplines'
issues as they relate to data, data management, and support of users. So
again this year, organizers are arranging a conference that will benefit
those who support researchers across all disciplines: social sciences,
health and natural sciences, and humanities. Please join the international
data community in Lawrence, KS, "in the middle" of the U.S., for insights
and discussion on how data in all disciplines are found, shared, used, and
managed. The full Call for Proposals, along with the link to the submission
form, can be accessed on the conference website here:
http://www.iassist17.dept.ku.edu/proposals/. *Deadline: November 21, 2016*
ICPSR’s Open Data Flint Project Featured at the White House

Attendees of the White House’s first Open Data Innovation Summit got a
glimpse <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwQ4udv6IAU> of a project called Open
Data Flint <http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/ICPSR/flint.html>
Open Data Flint is an open-to-the-community data repository that aims to
assist the community of Flint, Michigan, to bring together data to help
build the evidence base to achieve a healthier Flint community and to gain
a deeper understanding of the far-reaching impact of the water crisis on
the Flint population.
A Healthy New Look for HMCA

ICPSR's Health and Medical Care Archive (HMCA)
<http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/HMCA/index.html> recently
updated its website. HMCA is the data archive of the Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation (RWJF) <http://www.rwjf.org/>, the largest philanthropy devoted
exclusively to health and health care in the United States. The data
collections in HMCA include surveys of health care professionals and
organizations, investigations of access to medical care, surveys on
substance abuse, and evaluations of innovative programs for the delivery of
health care.
Great News for International Scholars on Crime and Justice

The National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD)
<http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/NACJD/> is pleased to announce that
non-US scholars are now available to apply for access to its more than
1,000 restricted use datasets
This means that curated data from such influential studies as the Project
of Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN)
<http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/NACJD/studies/13578> are no longer
limited to applicants based in the United States. Under this new policy
NACJD has already approved one application from Canada and looks forward to
processing many more from qualified applicants
<http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/files/NACJD/pdf/guide-idars-nacjd.pdf> around
the world.
A Bounty of Student Opportunity!

ICPSR invites submissions for the ICPSR 2017 Research Paper Competitions
<http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/ICPSR/prize/index.html> for
undergraduates and master's students. The competitions award first place cash
prizes of $1,000! And there is more: The ICPSR summer internship program
<http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/ICPSR/internship/> provides
undergraduate students with a unique and expansive research experience that
introduces all aspects of social science research via a paid internship on
the campus of The University of Michigan. See past ICPSR interns exhibit
their research
(see the left pane for still more past projects).
Are You Among the 80 Percent?

Invoices for the membership period beginning July 1, 2016, were mailed in
April and were due on August 30. Thanks to the 80% of members who have
already paid. Missing your invoice? Please contact us <arun at umich.edu> and
help reduce the significant consortium resources typically dedicated to
collecting unpaid membership fees!
Giving Thanks for New Directions

ICPSR is thankful for another bountiful year full of new directions! ICPSR's
2015-2016 annual report <https://issuu.com/icpsr/docs/2015-2016b/1> is now
available. The report documents another year in which ICPSR launched new
archives and saw its membership grow.
Come Work with Us!

ICPSR is seeking nominations of and applications from highly qualified
candidates for the position of Associate Director of ICPSR
<http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/about/news.jsp?node=267>, and for
Research Center for Minority Data
<http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/about/news.jsp?node=93>. More
information can be found at umjobs.org
and applications are due *December 1, 2016, and October 31, 2016,
A Cornucopia of Data? Share It!

ICPSR welcomes and encourages deposits of digital data and offers a number
of data sharing options that meeting agency, foundation, and institutional
requirements for both public- and restricted-use data. Start sharing data
<http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/deposit/index.jsp> today! Know of data
that need to be shared? Please suggest data that ICPSR should archive
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