[ICPSR] Fwd: Summer Workshop: "Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) Data User Workshop"

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Mon Mar 14 12:24:50 EDT 2016

Please help spread the word about this great educational opportunity.


The ICPSR Summer Program would like to announce the following workshop,
sponsored by the Panel Study of Income Dynamics:

*Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) Data User Workshop*

*Dates and Location: *June 13-17, 2016 in Ann Arbor, Michigan

*Instructors:* Paula Fomby, Charles C. Brown, Vicki Freedman, Steven
Heeringa, Noura Insolera, David S. Johnson, Fabian Pfeffer, Narayan Sastry,
and Frank Stafford

*Description: *The Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID)
<http://psidonline.isr.umich.edu/default.aspx>, begun in 1968, is the
world's longest-running multigenerational household panel study. It is used
widely in behavioral, social, and health sciences to investigate scientific
and policy questions about life course trajectories in health and
well-being, intergenerational social and economic mobility, income and
wealth inequality, family investments in children, neighborhood effects on
opportunity and achievement, and other topics.

This workshop will orient participants to the content and structure of the
core PSID interview, special topics modules, and supplemental studies.
Classroom demonstrations using PSID data extracts will illustrate key
concepts. In lab sessions, participants will develop their own analytic
data files under the guidance of project staff.

*Eligibility: *Faculty, research professionals, postdocs, and graduate
students. Diversity in terms of background and academic discipline is

*Application: *Enrollment is limited to accepted participants. Applicants
must sign up for the course through the ICPSR Summer Program portal and
submit a CV and cover letter summarizing research interests in PSID data
and how this workshop will help fulfill research or educational goals.

*Workshop Fee and Stipends: *$100 (for accepted participants only). A
limited number of travel stipends are available (requires additional
application materials submitted by April 15, 2016).

*Deadline:* Applications received before April 15 will receive highest
priority; applications accepted after this date until workshop has filled.

For full information and to apply, visit the course description page
<http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/sumprog/courses/0217> on the ICPSR
Summer Program website.

*Questions? *Visit icpsr.umich.edu/sumprog
<http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/sumprog/index.jsp?rcd=ORAN16> or c
ontact sumprog at icpsr.umich.edu
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