[ICPSR] Free Data Training Workshop: Head Start Cares Demonstration Study Data

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Wed Jun 1 10:02:55 EDT 2016


The National Research Conference on Early Childhood


*DATE:  JULY 10, 2016*

*LOCATION: Washington dc*

*TIME:  9:00 AM – 3:00 PM*

This hands-on workshop will introduce researchers to the Head Start CARES
(Classroom-based Approaches and Resources for Emotion and Social-skill
Promotion) data. The Head Start CARES Demonstration, funded by the Office
of Head Start and the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation in the
Administration for Children and Families within the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, tested three distinct approaches to enhancing
children’s social-emotional development on a large scale within the Head
Start system. The three evidence-based social-emotional interventions
selected for the demonstration were The Incredible Years Teacher Training
Program, Preschool PATHS, and a one-year version of Tools of the Mind-Play

The workshop will cover the Head Start CARES study design, study sample,
and key measures in the impact and implementation datasets. It will provide
an in-depth look at the study’s data collection and data sources, which
include independent assessments of children’s social, emotional, and
pre-academic skills, independent observations of classroom climate and
teacher practices, teacher reports on children’s classroom behaviors,
parent reports on children’s home behaviors, teacher self surveys on
background characteristics, trainer and coach ratings of classroom
fidelity, and more. It will also describe the Head Start CARES impact
analysis model and provide potential data users with tips on analyzing the
CARES data. Participants will have the opportunity to practice using the
CARES data throughout the day with sample exercises designed to foster an
understanding of the dataset’s contents and structure, and to gain some
experience with analyzing the data.

The Head Start CARES data
<http://www.researchconnections.org/childcare/studies/35510> are currently
available for secondary analysis through *Research Connections* (
www.researchconnections.org). The Head Start CARES data are well-suited for
use by graduate students exploring research opportunities, instructors
interested in bringing large datasets into the classroom, and researchers
analyzing the development of young children and their early childhood

*REGISTRATION: * There is no fee to attend this workshop, but space is
limited and advance registration is required.  You must be registered for
the National Research Conference on Early Childhood to participate.  *All
participants will need to bring their own laptop with SAS installed for use
during the workshop.*  *All exercises will be presented in SAS syntax.
Participants may use other stats packages but we may not be able to offer
support.  *Workshop slots will be awarded on a first-come/first-served
basis.  To register, email:contact at researchconnections.org.  A follow-up
message will be sent with additional information/instructions.

*Please forward this workshop announcement to those interested in this
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