[ICPSR] 2014 Student Research Opportunities Reminder - Deadline January 31, 2014

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Thu Jan 9 08:23:23 EST 2014

A reminder that the deadline for ICPSR's research paper competition and
summer internship is approaching quickly. Information on both research
opportunities follows.

ICPSR's 2014 Student Research Paper Deadline Approaching
 Don't miss it! The *January 31, 2014*, submission deadline for the ICPSR
Student Research Paper Competitions is approaching soon.

The four competitions are: (view eligibility

   - *ICPSR Research Paper Competition*, for analyses on any topic using
   data from the ICPSR Archive or Thematic Collections. *Separate
   undergraduate and master's prizes.*
   - *NAHDAP Research Paper Competition*, for analyses on topics related to
   addiction and HIV that are based on quantitative analysis. *Now also
   open to PhD students.*
   - *IFSS Research Paper Competition*, for analyses on any topic using
   Integrated Fertility Survey Series data.
   - *RCMD Research Paper Competition*, for analyses on issues of
   minorities and immigrants in the US, using data from the Resource Center
   for Minority Data.

Awards: $1,000 for first place and $750 for second place, and publication
on the ICPSR Research Paper Competition Winners
in a special edition of the *ICPSR Bulletin *for the first-place winners.

Visit the ICPSR's Research Paper Competition
details and Entry Forms.

Application Deadline for 2014 ICPSR Summer Internship
Applications are being accepted for the 2014 ICPSR Summer Undergraduate
Internship Program<http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/ICPSR/internship/index.html>,
an intensive, 10-week program in Ann Arbor, Michigan, for students
interested in social science research.

Apply now through the ICPSR online application
To complete the application form, students must answer a few questions;
upload a cover letter, resume, and list of relevant courses; and provide
contact information for two recommending college faculty or staff members,
or employer references. The recommendations must be completed through the
ICPSR recommendation
The deadline for all materials is January 31, 2014.

To be eligible, a student must:

   - Have an expected graduation of December 2014 or later
   - Be a US citizen or have permanent residency
   - Possess undergraduate standing and have completed sophomore year in a
   social science or mathematics major, with interests related to one of
   ICPSR's Thematic Collections

*About the Internship*
The NSF-funded<http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=1062317>
for Undergraduates (REU) internship program (Grant No. 1062317) matches
students with mentors at the Inter-university Consortium for Political and
Social Research (ICPSR), and supports exploration of a research question
from start to finish — including literature searches, data analyses, and
creation of conference-ready posters summarizing students' research
findings. Interns can attend graduate-level courses in quantitative methods
at the University of Michigan taught by leading faculty across various
research fields. Additionally, all ICPSR interns learn valuable
data-management techniques using statistical packages such as SPSS, Stata,
and SAS. Visit our
view the flyer<http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/files/ICPSR/careers/2014-intern-flyer.pdf>
466 KB) for more information.

For examples of research projects done by past ICPSR interns, please see
these videos<http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqC9lrhW1VvYKBAjFPmzaD8oMfPVVE1a_>


Linda Detterman

Assistant Director, Collection Delivery

Marketing & Membership Director

ICPSR – University of Michigan

lindamd at umich.edu

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