[ICPSR] ICPSR Virtual Data Fair - Still seats available - Register Now!

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Wed Sep 26 15:54:02 EDT 2012

The 2012 ICPSR Virtual Data Fair starts next week!  There are still some
seats available and registration remains open.

For more detail on each session, please visit our 2012 Data Fair website at

*Please note that all webcast times are listed in EDT.*

Monday, October 1

11-11:50 a.m.: General Orientation to ICPSR - *Webcast link:

*12-12:50 p.m.: Navigating the New ICPSR Web site - **Webcast link:

*1-1:50 p.m.: ICPSR (Bring Data) in the Classroom* - *Webcast link:

*2-2:50 p.m.: Promoting ICPSR and Data Use on Your Campus* - *Webcast link:

*Tuesday, October 2*
11-11:50 a.m.: The American National Election Studies: An Introduction
- *Webcast
link: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/971531750*

*12-12:50 p.m.: The American National Election Study: Finding Hidden
Treasure* - *Webcast link: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/613334026*

*1-1:50 p.m.: Minority Voting Behavior* - *Webcast link:

*2-2:50 p.m.: Latino Voting Behavior and the National Latino Survey* - *Webcast
link: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/308059202*

*Wednesday, October 3*
11-11:50 a.m.: Elections, Polling, and Politics .... Oh, My! - *Webcast
link: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/744921722*

*12-12:50 p.m.: SETUPS: The ANES in the Classroom* - *Webcast link:

*1-1:50 p.m.: Bring Election Data into the Classroom* - *Webcast link:


Linda Detterman

Assistant Director, Collection Delivery

Marketing & Membership Director

ICPSR – University of Michigan

lindamd at umich.edu

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