[ICPSR] ICPSR Council elections

George C. Alter altergc at umich.edu
Thu Mar 10 09:49:28 EST 2011

Dear Colleagues,


Last week, George sent the official announcement of the upcoming ICPSR
Council election, including a request for nominations of individuals to
serve from 2012 to 2016.


This email has a different purpose. Our goal is to give you a more
nuanced idea of how the nomination process works, and a sense of what
ICPSR might be looking for in Council members. It represents the
perspective of just two people, Ann Wolpert (ICPSR Council Chair) and
George Alter (ICPSR Acting Director), but it reflects our experience in
previous nomination and election processes. 


The ICPSR Council serves both advisory and governance functions, and as
such it is usually composed of individuals who can represent the members
and provide advice in critical areas. In recent years all of the members
have come from North America, with international membership interests
served by a rotating group of visitors to the Council. For example,
there will be two international visitors at the March 2011, Council
meeting. Also, the nominating committee tries to avoid having two
Council members from the same campus.


As the list at the end of this document shows, current Council members
represent a variety of areas of academic and technical expertise. We
want to make sure that important areas of expertise are represented in
this year's Council election, keeping in mind those who are leaving the
Council and those who are continuing. 


Taking all that into account, these are our suggestions for areas where
Council could benefit from some expertise. Please keep in mind that we
work very hard to ensure diversity of race, ethnicity, discipline,
gender, and region. Of course, it is very efficient for us to have
individuals who cover more than one of these areas. 


We believe priority areas are:

                OR experience

                Political Science

                Representatives of small- and medium-sized institutions

                ICPSR Summer Program instructor

                Health research

                Survey research

                Geography and geospatial data                  


Our list is intended to make you think about what expertise you believe
should be represented on the Council as well as a guideline for the
nominating committee. We wanted to tell you how the nominating process
works, so that you can help us find the best candidates and make the
case to the membership for their election. If you disagree with our
priorities, please let us know, and when you nominate people who fit
your priorities let us know why those priorities are important to you.
We are sure the nominating committee will listen.


Please do not hesitate to contact one of us if you would like to talk
about the Council election. We are eager to hear what you have to say.



Ann Wolpert
George Alter

awolpert at mit.edu <mailto:awolpert at mit.edu>
altergc at umich.edu




Council Members with continuing terms:


G. Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University (Library and Information

Paul Courant, University of Michigan (Economics, Public Policy,
Information Science)

Catherine Fitch, University of Minnesota (History, Population Studies)

Gregory Price, Morehouse College (Economics)

Rogelio Saenz, Texas A&M University (Sociology)

Barbara Schneider, Michigan State University (Sociology, Education



Council Members with terms ending:


Francine Berman, University of California, San Diego (Computer science)

Thomas LaVeist, Johns Hopkins University (Health & Society)

Jeff Moon, Queen's University (Library)

Lori Weber, California State U. Chico  (Political Science)

Ann Wolpert, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Library)

Christopher Zorn, Penn State University (Political Science)





George Alter

Acting Director, ICPSR

Professor of History, University of Michigan 

PO Box 1248, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1248

Tel: 734-615-8700    Fax: 734-647-8200

Email: altergc at umich.edu <mailto:altergc at umich.edu> 


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