[ICPSR] Announcing Tech at ICPSR blog

Bryan Beecher bryan at umich.edu
Mon Sep 14 13:36:42 EDT 2009

Colleagues, I'm pleased to announce the launch of the Tech at ICPSR blog:

In this blog you'll find news and information about technology
activities and exploration at ICPSR.  Recent posts feature topics such
as using Fedora's Content Model Architecture for social science data;
building single sign-on capabilities using OpenID; deploying a replica
of our web service in Amazon's computing cloud; and, a retrospective
look at how technology has changed at ICPSR over the past seven years.

On a related note I'd also like to draw your attention to a live chat
session that I'll be co-hosting at the virtual OR meeting on
Wednesday, Oct. 7, at 3:00 p.m. EDT.  Nancy and I will be talking
about technology and digital preservation.  You can find a
registration form at this link:

    -- bryan

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