[ICPSR] Funding opportunity for secondary data analysis of PreK-3rd Data Resource Center data

Robbin Gonzalez rpgonzal at umich.edu
Wed Sep 2 12:13:30 EDT 2009

The Foundation for Child Development (FCD) <http://www.fcd-us.org/>
announces a request for proposals for its PreK-3rd Research and
Evaluation Small Grants Program
LLmFVWkqreas4dO8AQOSa-_eyb6A-0yD1IEv5ffe-iLR4XZugJV9icIhELVRZKBUnNKF9> .
A maximum of two awards of up to $50,000 each will be awarded to
researchers proposing to use one or more datasets from the PreK-3rd Data
Resource Center
mf1wYxK-RbbDfOltmsj-5NRYT9iVrL2GzFU4c62Q9wSF1Aeg=> .  The deadline for
proposals is November 2, 2009.

The PreK-3rd Data Resource Center
mf1wYxK-RbbDfOltmsj-5NRYT9iVrL2GzFU4c62Q9wSF1Aeg=>  is designed to
expand the knowledge base and provide tools for the access and handling
of Prekindergarten through Third Grade longitudinal data. The goal of
this project is to inform the Foundation for Child Development's
PreK-3rd initiative
and build the research field by facilitating the analysis of rich,
complex, longitudinal datasets that contain a wide range of variables on
the child, family, school, and neighborhood. The Web site disseminates
datasets and user guides developed to provide researchers with detailed
guidance in creating their own extract datasets.


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