[ICPSR] ICPSR Call for Student Research Papers

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Thu Nov 19 07:56:01 EST 2009

Dear Colleagues,

This is a reminder about the 2010 ICPSR Research Paper Competitions!

This year ICPSR is sponsoring THREE competitions - two for
undergraduates and a new competition for Master's level students!

The purpose of these competitions is to highlight the best student
research papers using quantitative data.  The objective is to encourage
students to explore the social sciences by means of critical analysis of
a topic supported by quantitative analysis of a dataset(s) held within
the ICPSR archive and presented in written form.

*         The winner of each competition receives $1,000 cash and the
paper will be published.

*         Deadline for submission is January 31, 2010.

More information, submission guidelines, and promotional posters are
found by visiting the competition website found here:

We hope that you will share this exciting opportunity with your faculty
and students!



Linda Detterman

Marketing & Membership Director


University of Michigan


lindamd at umich.edu <mailto:lindamd at umich.edu>  

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