[ICPSR] DataBytes -- Autumn 2009
Matthew A. Richardson
matvey at icpsr.umich.edu
Mon Nov 9 14:59:11 EST 2009
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In This Issue
ICPSR's Autumn Byte
A Bounty of Opportunity for Undergrads and Now Master's Students, Too!
Reflecting and Looking Forward
OR Toolbox - Helping Your Data Users
Get "SETUP" to Teach!
Webinars are Coming!
Council News - The Election
Adding to our Hall of Fame
And Then a Nobel Prize!
A Fall Farewell
ICPSR Events
Upcoming conferences &
Council meetings
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ICPSR's Autumn Byte
As the trees in Ann Arbor peak with color and leaves begin to blanket
the ground, we realize that we are well into the new academic year!
And while the trees prepare for dormancy, we at ICPSR are very active
and excited to share a byte or two though our autumn edition of ICPSR
A Bounty of Opportunity for Undergrads and Now Master's Students, Too!
ICPSR is accepting applications for its 2010 Undergraduate Internship
Program - materials are due by February 8, 2010. ICPSR is also
accepting research paper competition entries due by January 31, 2010.
In addition to two undergrad competitions, a paper competition for
master's-level students will also take place!
Reflecting and Looking Forward
The ICPSR meeting was attended "virtually" by almost 230 individuals -
more than double our usual meeting attendance! Slides and session
recordings are available on the 2009 meeting Web site. Planning has
started for 2011 - mark your calendars for October 6-8!
OR Toolbox - Helping Your Data Users
The launch of the new ICPSR Web site provided opportunity for a more
centralized approached to our online Help. FAQs, video tutorials and
recorded webinars, and local support information are easily located by
clicking on the Help link on the ICPSR Web site.
Get "SETUP" to Teach!
SETUPS (Supplementary Empirical Teaching Units in Political Science)
for the 2008 Election is now available! SETUPS offers students the
ability to analyze an accessible dataset drawn from the American
National Election Study (ANES), which surveys the American electorate
after every election.
Webinars are Coming!
ICPSR's monthly webinar series will resume in November. Research
Connections (child care and early education research) will be featured
in November followed by NACDA (gerontological research) in December.
Sign up to our subscribed email lists to receive webinar invitations.
Council News - The Election
The slate for the 2009 ICPSR Council Election has been announced. All
ICPSR Official Representatives will receive an electronic ballot and
are encouraged to vote. Nominee profiles are found in the OR
Announcements section. The new Council will be seated in March 2010.
Adding to our Hall of Fame
Diane Geraci was awarded ICPSR's William H. Flanigan Award for
Distinguished Service as an ICPSR Official Representative. Steven
Ruggles and J. Merrill Shanks received the Warren E. Miller Award for
Meritorious Service to the Social Sciences. We thank them for their
service to ICPSR and the social sciences! Bios of these awardees and
those in the past are found on the ICPSR Awards page.
And Then a Nobel Prize!
When the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced Elinor Ostrom as
one of the winners of the 2009 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic
Sciences, ICPSR recognized a familiar name. Ostrom served a term on
the ICPSR Council in the mid-1980s!
A Fall Farewell
Myron Gutmann, now "former" Director of ICPSR, departed to head the
National Science Foundation's Social, Behavioral and Economics (SBE)
Directorate. We wish him well! James Jackson, Director of the
University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research (ISR), has
appointed George Alter as Acting Director of ICPSR.
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