[Eurobarometer] Eurobarometers 54.1 and 56.3: territorial attachment

Marco Antonsich Marco.Antonsich at colorado.edu
Thu Nov 23 13:03:59 EST 2006

Hi all,

I would like to know whether any of the users of Standard Eurobarometers have
come up with an explanation for the major decrease in European attachment
experienced by all EU-15 countries in the passage from year 2000 (Eurobarometer
54.1 - question 8) to year 2002 (Eurobarometer 56.3 - question 47).

Running some descriptive statistics on the other forms of territorial
attachment (local, regional and national - same Eurobarometers/questions as
above), only Spain experienced a similar drop in the same year. I thought that
there could have been some issues related to the data collection process for
Spain. But when looking at the major drop in European attachment for all EU-15
countries in the same year, I guess I should also reconsider this
interpretation for Spain's drop.

Glad to receive your comments.


Marco Antonsich

Marco Antonsich
Institute of Behavioral Science
Campus Box 487
University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0487

Phone: (303) 492 6404
Fax: (303) 492 3609
E-mail: Marco.Antonsich at Colorado.edu

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