[EB] moschner@za.uni-koeln.de

Leonard Ray lray2 at lsu.edu
Mon May 5 17:43:59 EDT 2003


	I have a graduate student who is working with Eurobarometer 54.1, and
needs the public security questions.  Unfortunately, ICPSR is not planning
to release the un-embargoed version of the dataset until after the end of
the semester (and after my student's paper deadline.)  Would it be possible
to obtain a copy of EB 54.1 from Koeln? 

At 09:21 AM 5/2/03 +0200, you wrote:
>Dear list members,   
>I am pleased to announce that the following Eurobarometer has now comletely  
>been  released by ZA, and will also become available at ICPSR:  
>Eurobarometer 54.1 (za 3387 / icpsr 3209)  
>Questions on Public Security (Q.47 to Q.51)  and on European Parliament 
>issues Q.41 to Q.46 have been released.  
>For more information on these Eurobarometer (topics, questionnaires etc.)  
>please see the respective ZA study profile:    http://www.gesis.org/en/ 
>If you would like to order the data, please contact YOUR data archive: 
>With best regards  
>Meinhard Moschner  
>We would kindly like to remember you to keep the archive informed about  
>research done with Eurobarometer by you, or in your organization, or that
>are aware of. We are interested in the following types of publications:
>articles, reports, conference papers, student thesis or dissertations etc.  
>Please send us citations as detailed as possible, eventually including  
>information on the Eurobarometer data sets and variables (indicators) used,  
>to: moschner at za.uni-koeln.de /cc to peterg at icpsr.umich.edu or to the  
>mailing list: eurobarometer at icpsr.umich.edu.   
>Please also remember that we always appreciate information about any  
>errors that you find in Eurobarometer data or documentation.  
> Zentralarchiv fuer Empirische Sozialforschung
> Meinhard Moschner
> Bachemer Str. 40
> D-50931 Koeln  
> Tel.:  (++49)-(0)221-47694-21                              
> Fax.:  (++49)-(0)221-47694-44                          
> e-mail: moschner at za.uni-koeln.de
> URL:    http://www.gesis.org/
> Eurobarometer information: 
> http://www.gesis.org/eurobarometer/                                     
Leonard Ray				email:lray2 at lsu.edu
Department of Political Science		tel: (225) 578-2542
Louisiana State University		fax: (225) 578-2540
Baton Rouge LA 70803      		http://ray.poli.lsu.edu

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