[EB] Research News

Schoebi Nicole Nicole.Schoebi at sidos.unine.ch
Mon Jun 18 10:51:27 EDT 2001

Hello Angela

The Eurobarometer is an international survey conducted on behalf of the
Commission of the European Communities. Here is a link for detailed

SIDOS, the Swiss data archive (www.sidos.ch), is responsible for the
organisation and implementation of the Eurobarometer in Switzerland.

Best regards
Nicole Schöbi

At 16:00 12.06.01 +0100, you wrote:
>   Hello   I work in editorial research for strategies europe,  the
>international marketing magazine. (Some information about the magazine:
>Strategies Europe is a  monthly magazine aimed at marketing professionals
>throughout Europe. It is  published by Reed Elsevier and has a print run of
>20,000. To get an idea of it,  you can go to: www.strategieseurope.com    
>I have found your email via the World Opinion  website
>(www.worldopinion.com  what the eurobarometer is  and add my name and email
>details to your email list.     Best regards,   Angela Carrington
>Strategies Europe 
>Tel: 00 331 46 29 47 80
>E-mail: acarrington at strategieseurope

Service suisse d'information et d'archivage de données pour les sciences
Schweizerischer Informations- und Daten-Archivdienst für die
Swiss information and data archive service for the social sciences

Nicole Schöbi                     			
Ruelle Vaucher 13                 		
CH-2000 Neuchâtel 
Phone:	 	+ 41 (0) 32 721 20 59 
E-mail:	 	nicole.schoebi at sidos.unine.ch
Home page:	www.sidos.ch		


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