[EB] stark

Marcus Pistor 6mp1 at qlink.queensu.ca
Wed May 6 15:45:23 EDT 1998

I wounder whether we should pay greater attention to the interests in
Germany that strongly support EMU and have done so at least since before
Maastricht.  In June 1991, for example, the six leading business
organizations (incl. the BDI, BDA and the DIHT) published a joint statement
on European integration calling on the government to pursue EMU (as the
logical extension of the Single Market project), as well as political
union.  Has anyone seen opinion surveys of German business people
(preferable broken down into types, size and export orientation)?

Marcus Pistor

At 11:43 PM 5/5/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I am interested in thoughts on German elections and the future of the
>Euro, if without Germaany (ala Schroder). Also, what are national polls
>	J. Michael Schmitt
>Indiana University - Indianapolis
Marcus Pistor
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Political Studies
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
Canada  K7L 3N6
Phone: (613) 547-6009  (home)
Fax: (613) 545-6848  (office)
E-mail: 6mp1 at qlink.queensu.ca

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