[EB] Re:

P. Isernia Isernia at Sivax.Unisi.it
Mon Jan 12 12:17:23 EST 1998

You should look to the Belief in Government book on Internationalized
Governance edited by Niedermeyer and Sinnott, (Oxford University Press if I
remind correctly).
Good Luck, 
Pierangelo Isernia

At 14.38 12/01/98 +0100, you wrote:
>I am preparing a data confrontation course for graduate students about
>attitudes towards
>European integration, partly using Eurobarometer data. Unfortunately, I
>am not specialised in this area so I am desperately looking for
>international literature about this subject. Could anyone please help me
>with references?
>Soren Risbjerg Thomsen, professor of political science
>Department of political science, Aarhus University
>Universitetsparken, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
>Tel +45 89 42 12 71;  Fax.+45 86 13 98 39; Email srt at ps.au.dk
Pierangelo Isernia
Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Giuridiche, Politiche e Sociali
Università di Siena
Piazza San Francesco, 7
I-53100 SIENA
ph. +39-577-298.736
fax + 39-577-298.754
e-mail: Isernia at unisi.it / Isernia at mbox.vol.it

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