[EB] Trust in people from other countries

Harald Klein klein at ifsws.soziologie.uni-jena.de
Wed Dec 10 02:25:41 EST 1997

>At 16:53 09.12.1997 +0000, you wrote:
>>On behalf of Prof. Wijbrandt van Schuur (University of
>>Groningen) I am looking for publications on "trust in people
>Why can he do not this recherche do by himself?
>All the best from Vienna,
>Karl Kollmann

never heard of grey literature? Never heard of netiquette? And by the way:
Isn´t science a way to distribute and collect information?

Harald Klein

Dr. Harald Klein
Institut fuer Soziologie
Otto-Schott-Str. 41
07740 Jena
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      +49 172 9421627 private (mobile)
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