[EB] Latinbarometer?

Douglas A. McGee doug.mcgee at m.cc.utah.edu
Fri Nov 1 15:06:22 EST 1996

Greetings to all,

I am new to this list, so I apologize if this is an issue which has been 
previously discussed.  

Over the summer, I found a reference to a recent survey conducted in 
several Latin American countries.  According to the reference, the survey 
was based upon the Euro-Barometer surveys, but conducted in Latin America
and completed in 1995.  Beyond this reference, I have been unable to 
locate additional information about the project or the availability of 
these data.  If anyone familiar with the Latinobarometro survey could 
indicate when the data might be available or who to contact for more 
information, I would be most greatful.

Doug McGee
doug.mcgee at m.cc.utah.edu

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