[DDI-users] Invitation Session IASSIST 2020

Borschewski, Kerrin Kerrin.Borschewski at gesis.org
Wed Nov 20 02:39:46 EST 2019

Hello DDI-Community,
My colleague Johannes Breuer (in CC) and I are preparing proposal for a panel on "archiving social media data" for IASSIST 2020 in Sweden.
We were hoping to get someone, from the DDI Community to be a panelist for our session.
Here is some information you can also find in the invitation (attached to this email). We want to discuss the challenges in archiving social media data as well as the solutions that have been found or proposed by different people and institutions. The topic we intend to cover include metadata (+ DDI compatibility), ethical and legal issues (e.g., informed consent, data privacy, terms of service), and the role of archives as intermediaries and trusted third parties for data access.
The format we have in mind for the panel is that each panelist will first briefly present the work she/he or her/his institution has done with regard to archiving social media data, the challenges they encountered, and how these were addressed (5-10 minutes per person). After the presentations we want to have a panel discussion split into 2 or 3 parts by topic, each one with the opportunity for questions and input from the audience. It would be great if you could let us know until November 22nd if you would be interested in participating in our proposed session. If yes, we would need your full name, affiliation, and contact information as well as 2-3 sentences on what you would like to present and discuss in the panel by November 30th (the IASSIST submission deadline is December 6th).
Kind regards,
Johannes Breuer and Kerrin Borschewski

Kerrin Borschewski, M. A.<https://www.gesis.org/institut/mitarbeiterverzeichnis/person/?tx_gextstaffdir_staffdirectory%5Bemail%5D=Kerrin.Borschewski%40gesis.org&tx_gextstaffdir_staffdirectory%5Baction%5D=details&tx_gextstaffdir_staffdirectory%5Bcontroller%5D=Index&cHash=f45296f45ceb760e02c71a6cbeea65bc>
GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Data Archive for the Social Sciences
Archive Instruments and Metadata Standards
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
D-50667 Köln
Tel: +49 (0) 221 47694 475
email: Kerrin.Borschewski at gesis.org<mailto:Kerrin.Borschewski at gesis.org>

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