[DDI-users] Webinar: The CESSDA EuroQuestionBank

Akdeniz, Esra Esra.Akdeniz at gesis.org
Wed Nov 13 10:39:15 EST 2019


Dear CESSDA (non-)members, developers and users,

We are happy to announce our webinar:

The CESSDA EuroQuestionBank: Search, find and reuse questionnaire items from social scientific research

Date: Friday, November 29, 2019

Time: 1- 1.45 pm CET

In the first part of the webinar, we will give a brief overview of the CESSDA EuroQuestionBank (EQB) project and will present the current EQB User Interface. We will demonstrate how the EuroQuestionBank helps researchers to find, compare and download questions as well as question-related and study-related information.

The second part of the webinar might be of particular interest to developers and metadata providers in or outside of the CESSDA community. We will present the EQB architecture and the purpose of the components. We will also introduce the requirements for those metadata providers who plan to supply their metadata to EQB.

Speakers: Thomas Krämer & Esra Akdeniz (GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)

If you're interested, please register and share with your colleagues:


Further information:

Due to feasibility, all participants are muted. However, questions can be posted to the chat box at any time and will be answered at the end of the webinar.


1.     Welcome and short introduction (5 minutes)

2.     What are the benefits of the EuroQuestionBank project? (5 minutes)

3.     How does the EuroQuestionBank help me as a researcher to find, compare and download questions, question-related and study-related information? (10 minutes)

4.     What are the requirements for me as a metadata provider to enable harvesting und integration of my (meta-)data into the EuroQuestionBank? (10 minutes)

5.     Questions, answers and further comments  (15 minutes)

We are looking forward to seeing you in our webinar.

Best regards,

Thomas & Esra
Esra Akdeniz<https://www.gesis.org/en/institute/staff/person/?tx_gextstaffdir_staffdirectory%5Bemail%5D=esra.akdeniz%40gesis.org&tx_gextstaffdir_staffdirectory%5Baction%5D=details&tx_gextstaffdir_staffdirectory%5Bcontroller%5D=Index&cHash=c7546647b953e41e43495982791bf3f5>
GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Data Archive for the Social Sciences (DAS)

Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8 | D-50667 Cologne
Tel. +49 (0)221 47694-455
E-Mail: esra.akdeniz at gesis.org<mailto:esra.akdeniz at gesis.org>

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