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<p style="padding-left:7px;padding-right:7px;">ICPSR<br />
University of Michigan<br />
330 Packard<br />
Ann Arbor, MI 48104</p>
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<h2 style="background-color:#0b143f;font-size:13pt;padding:5px;color:#e77d60;"><a id="a01" name="a01"></a>2015 Biennial ICPSR Meeting Registration Now Open!</h2>
<p>September 30 - October 2, 2015<br />
Ann Arbor<br />
<a href="http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/membership/or/ormeet/index.html">2015 ICPSR Meeting Website</a></p>
<p>On behalf of the ICPSR, I am delighted to announce that registration for the 2015 ICPSR Biennial Meeting is now open! This year's conference theme is "Delivering Effective Data Stewardship." Producers of data, seekers of data, curators of data, and preservers of data all play significant and unique roles in the effective collection, description, sharing, and preservation of research data. Delivering data stewardship takes a village!</p>
<p>Last fall, ICPSR's contacts at member institutions reported by survey, that while they continue play significant roles in assisting data users in finding and analyzing research data and teaching resources, they are experiencing added responsibilities in data management. Individuals expect that responsibilities in the areas of sharing data, writing data management plans for grants, curating data, and managing data repositories will increase, perhaps significantly, over the next 2-3 years. It is not surprising that individuals emphasized a need for training and professional development to confidently fill these evolving roles.</p>
<p>ICPSR has been in the data sharing space for over 50 years, but recent emphasis on data sharing has driven the consortium into new areas in data curation and is evolving our role as well. ICPSR continues to acquire, preserve, share, and teach with digital data of the highest quality. It is the foundation of our mission. But we are rapidly adding opportunities and services to teach what we practice in the areas of data curation--from acquisitions to sharing to preservation. And this is what the 2015 ICPSR Meeting will reflect.</p>
<p>With over 17 workshops and sessions, this biennial meeting will highlight ICPSR's core functions highlighting current data collections and data-related tools and exciting new data projects. The meeting will also impart practical approaches and strategies to work with data producers to share data, write data management plans, steward discipline-focused repositories, and locate tools and resources to assist in curating and managing research data.</p>
<p>In addition, this meeting serves as an opportunity for researchers, teaching faculty, librarians, policymakers, and data professionals to gather and share ideas that will aid us as a data community to deliver impact.</p>
<p>Participation in the ICPSR meeting is limited to individuals from <a href="http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/membership/administration/institutions">ICPSR Member Institutions</a> and invited presenters and guests. There are no registration fees for this meeting.</p>
<p><strong>Workshops begin on Wednesday, September 30 and the meeting concludes at 1:30 on Friday, October 2.</strong> More information and registration is found on the <a href="http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/membership/or/ormeet/">2015 ICPSR Meeting website</a>.</p>
<p>Finally, ICPSR is pleased to host the popular two-day <a href="http://software-carpentry.org/index.html">Software Carpentry</a> workshop, a hands-on two-day event that covers the core skills needed to be productive in a small research team, including version control, data management, and task automation. Short tutorials alternate with practical exercises. No prior experience is necessary. <strong>The Software Carpentry Workshop will run Monday and Tuesday, September 28-29, 2015 prior to the start of the ICPSR Meeting.</strong> <a href="http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/membership/or/ormeet/register.html">Registration for the Software Carpentry workshop</a> is separate from the ICPSR Meeting, and there will be a $20 registration fee for the workshop. The workshop is limited to 40 participants, and participants should bring their own laptop as computers will not be provided.</p>
<p>We look forward to seeing you this fall!</p>
<p>Regards,<br /><br />
<a href="mailto:lindamd@umich.edu">Linda Detterman</a><br />
Assistant Director, Collection Delivery<br />
<p><a href="http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/membership/or/ormeet/register.html">View registration information for the 2015 OR Meeting</a></p>
<p> </p>
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<h2 style="background:#243d75;color:#243d75;">© 2015 Regents of the University of Michigan</h2>