[ICPSR] ICPSR Digital Gadget Testing - Join our UX Test Panel!

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Wed Jul 28 08:00:00 EDT 2021

Dear ICPSR Official and Designated Representatives and friends of ICPSR:

Over the next few years, ICPSR is pursuing technology development charged
with revolutionizing the way data are ingested, described, preserved, and
shared. Technology development like this must be driven by the people that
use it. You and the people you know are those people!

ICPSR is assembling a User Experience (UX) Testing Panel and invites you to
join our panel! We are collecting information that will enable us to
contact individuals when we have technologies to test - from initial design
feedback to testing of a digital gadget just prior to its launch.

Some notes on the process:


   This form will help us direct the appropriate opportunity(s) your way;
   additional screening may be necessary for each specific test

   Testing is generally for ICPSR internal development purposes but more
   information will be available that is specific to each test

   This is a multi-year process, so you may not hear from us for some time

   Our intention is not to overburden you with invitations; we will manage
   this sample/panel accordingly!

   You can, of course, ask for removal from this panel at any time

   We encourage you to share this invitation link with others with data
   experience/familiarity or with ICPSR services

The link to join the UX testing panel: https://forms.gle/EwMv2hm4vv6x9C2U8

We hope you will join the ICPSR UX Testing Panel and become part of the
data infrastructure legacy we will build together!


Linda Detterman

Membership & Communications Director

ICPSR – University of Michigan

lindamd at umich.edu

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