[ICPSR] LAST WEEK to register for the 2nd session of the Summer Program!

Scott Campbell scocam at umich.edu
Tue Jul 6 10:10:01 EDT 2021

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In this week's Summer Program Succinct (we're still workshopping the name):
Second Session registration deadline, a new Blalock lecture, and another
featured short workshop!

*Second Session registration closes Sunday, July 11*
If you are interested in joining us for the second of our four-week
sessions, you will need to finish registering by *Sunday, July 11 at
11:59PM EDT*. Second session workshops and lectures include:

- Advanced workshops on Bayesian Analysis, Maximum Likelihood Estimation,
and Time Series Analysis
- Introduction to R, Python, and other programming languages and
statistical packages
- Data Science and Text Analysis
- Panel Data and Longitudinal Analysis
- ... and many others!

Virtual classes start July 19, from our home offices to yours. All courses,
in both the four-week sessions and short workshops, offer both synchronous
and asynchronous instruction. Come to the lecture or catch up on your own

Four-Week Schedule

*Blalock Lecture: Facts and myths about (mis)information exposure and
beliefDate*: July 8, 2021, 7:30pm EDT
*Speaker*: Brendan Nyhan, Dartmouth College
*Abstract*: Observers fear that people are trapped in digital “echo
chambers” that amplify misinformation and extremism. However, these claims
overstate the prevalence and severity of these patterns, which at most
capture the experience of a minority of the public. Similarly, the
ineffectiveness of fact-checks at countering misinformation has been
overstated in prior research and media coverage. Exposure to corrective
information reduces belief in false claims, though these effects do not
persist over time.

These lectures are *free *to join and open to the public! If you can't make
it, a recording will be posted to the Summer Program YouTube channel

Join via Zoom with this link <https://myumi.ch/ICPSR2021Blalock> at 7:30pm
EDT this Thursday.

*Seats still available for Scale Construction and Application in Social
Science Research!*

Dates: August 2-13, 2021
Instructor: Tenko Raykov, Michigan State University

Social science research frequently employs measuring instruments consisting
of multiple components, such as questions, items, problems or tasks, which
are administered to sampled respondents from studied populations of
interest. These instruments, often known alternatively as scales,
questionnaires, surveys, self-reports, inventories, subscales, tests,
testlets or test-batteries, aim to provide multiple converging pieces of
information about underlying latent constructs (traits, factors, latent
variables, latent dimensions, abilities, attitudes) which typically
represent theoretical concepts of main relevance and concern in these and
related sciences.

The goal of this 10-day course is to provide its participants with thorough
knowledge about and skills needed for the application of various approaches
to scale construction and application in the social science disciplines,
which are aimed at enhancing the quality of measuring instruments to be
used with respondent populations of research interests. Substantial
emphasis is placed also on the concepts of reliability, validity, and
latent structure underlying a measuring instrument.

Visit our Short Workshop Portal
more information about this and all of our other short workshops!

All Short Workshops

*Stay up-to-date with the Summer Program!*

You can keep up with the program on social media (Twitter,
<https://twitter.com/ICPSRSummer> Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/ICPSRSummerProgram/>, Instagram
<https://www.instagram.com/icpsrsummer/>), or sign up for our email list.
Or both!

Subscribe to the Summer Program email list
For more information about these or any other topics, email
sumprog at icpsr.umich.edu or visit www.icpsr.umich.edu/sumprog
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*Copyright © 2021 ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social
Research, All rights reserved.*
Scott Campbell
ICPSR Summer Program Communications & Video Services Coordinator
Follow the Summer Program on social media!
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