[ICPSR] Update on 2020 ICPSR Summer Program courses

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Fri Mar 27 13:28:26 EDT 2020

March 27, 2020

Dear Summer Program community:

A decision has been made to offer all of the 2020 ICPSR Summer Program
workshops and courses online, in accord with the willingness of the
instructors to do so.

Based upon actions taken by the University of Michigan to eliminate
classroom instruction on campus this summer, we have decided that both of
our four-week sessions usually held in Ann Arbor will be offered online
only. We are working with the instructors on preparing for this transition
and conducting their courses online. The First Session workshop “Network
Analysis I: Introduction” will now be offered from 3-5 p.m. from June 22 –
July 17, 2020. We will announce any additional changes to the four-week
session schedule
<https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/sumprog/schedule.html> via
our usual channels.

In light of this move to online instruction, we are also reducing the fees
for our four-week sessions, according to the following schedule:

  Members Non-Members
  Before May 1 Beginning May 1 Before May 1 Beginning May 1
One four-week session $2600    $2300 $2800    $2500 $4900    $4600 $5300
Both four-week sessions $3800    $3500 $4300    $4000 $7300    $7000 $8300
We understand that participants were looking forward to visiting Ann Arbor
this summer to participate in courses in person and may not be satisfied
with remote instructions. Other personal circumstances may require
withdrawal. We will abide by our standard rebate policies for withdrawal
from courses by those who have paid in advance, namely:

Applicants may completely withdraw from a four-week session and receive a
full refund if done before 8:00 a.m. on the first day of the session (June
22, 2020 for the First Session and July 20, 2020 for the Second Session).
Cancellation after 8:00 a.m. on the first day of a session is subject to a
late withdrawal fee of $500. There will be no refunds for withdrawal after
6:00 p.m. on the second day of each session (Tuesday, June 23, 2020 for the
First Session and Tuesday, July 21, 2020 for the Second Session).

The ICPSR Summer Program has also decided it will not hold any of its 2020
short workshops in-person. We are currently working with our short workshop
instructors to deliver their workshops remotely via online delivery methods
to registered participants during the same dates and times that the
workshop was originally scheduled.

The following short workshops have been cancelled for 2020:

   - Field Experiments
   - Analyzing Intensive Longitudinal Data: A Guide to Diary, Experience
   Sampling, and Ecological Momentary Assessment Methods
   - Exploring and Analyzing Monitoring the Future Data: A Primer

Since the instructional methods for the above short workshops rely heavily
on in-person interactions, the instructors believed it better to cancel the
workshops rather than offer a virtual course that may not offer the same
exemplary level of instruction as would be provided in-person. The ICPSR
Summer Program supports the decision of its workshop instructors to cancel
their workshops for 2020. The ICPSR Summer Program will provide a full fund
of registration fees for participants who have paid their registration fees
in advance for a cancelled workshop. We will announce any additional
adjustments to our short workshop schedule
our usual channels.

We have also reduced our registration fees for our online short workshops:

  Members Non-Members
Three-day short workshop $1600     $1400 $2900     $2700
Four-day short workshop $1700     $1450 $3100     $2850
Five-day short workshop $1800     $1500 $3300     $3000
Please feel free to contact the Summer Program staff if you have any
questions about these plans or policies.

In our deliberations, we payed attention to advice from the CDC and other
federal agencies and in accord with federal policies; decisions made by the
University of Michigan with regard to their intent to allow in person or
remote instruction; and the feasibility of pursing alternative strategies,
including our ability to offer appropriate technical support to instructors
and participants.  We understand that networking during the Summer Program
and participating in the social activities we ordinarily offer have been
important parts of the Ann Arbor experience. We will offer multiple
opportunities for online networking and casual interactions that are
consistent with the health threat we face and the actions that are
necessary to minimize the effects of the pandemic.

With well wishes for your health and safety during this time,

ICPSR Summer Program staff
Scott Campbell
Creative Services Videographer
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
icpsr.umich.edu <http://icpsr.umich.edu/sumprog>
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