[ICPSR] ICPSR DataBytes -- Summer 2019 Enclosed!

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Thu Aug 15 08:13:51 EDT 2019

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[image: ICPSR DataBytes]

*In This Issue*

   - ICPSR's Summer Byte <#m_2955753216552479330_a01>
   - Have you registered? Deadline Approaching! <#m_2955753216552479330_a02>
   - Training to Tell (and Preserve!) Data Stories - Seats Limited
   - Council News: 2020/2021 Membership Fees Set
   - ICPSR Membership Invoices Due! <#m_2955753216552479330_a05>
   - 2019 Warren E. Miller Award and William H. Flanigan Award Winners
   Announced! <#m_2955753216552479330_a06>
   - Good News Galore in the Latest ICPSR Bulletin and Annual Report!
   - ICPSR Collections Release New Data Available for Summertime Analysis
   - ICPSR 101 – By Popular Demand: Training Videos Just For You!
   - Linking to ICPSR Encouraged! <#m_2955753216552479330_a10>

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follow us on YouTube] <http://www.youtube.com/user/ICPSRWeb> [image: Follow
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*Membership Bits*

Current membership count: 785

# ICPSR Facebook Fans: 4,777

# Twitter Followers: 6,434

# YouTube Subscribers: 1,169

# Instagram Followers: 157

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[image: ICPSR DataBytes]

ICPSR's Summer Byte

As Summer 2019 begins to draw to a close, ICPSR is sizzling with activity
amid the second session of the ICPSR Summer Program, the transformation of
our data management systems continuing, and active planning for the
upcoming Biennial ICPSR Meeting! Let us pause a moment to share your
Consortium updates in the 2019 summer edition of *DataBytes*.
Have you registered? Deadline Approaching!

ICPSR has developed the storyline for the Biennial ICPSR Meeting that will
take place October 16-18, 2019. The theme is, “*Data Storytelling*,” and
the meeting program <http://bit.ly/2XKJzdq> is focused on professional
development and practical tips for delivering data services to your
institutions. Workshops and sessions will deliver practical approaches and
strategies to discover and access research data, work with data producers
to share data, write data management plans, and locate tools and resources
to assist in curating, preserving, and managing research data and telling
data stories while utilizing ICPSR’s resources. *Registration closes on
September 10* – register now <http://bit.ly/2Xy4TD0>
Training to Tell (and Preserve!) Data Stories - Seats Limited

The Biennial ICPSR Meeting workshops on Wednesday, October 16, will prepare
attendees to confidently interact (tell stories) with ICPSR data tools and
services inside and outside the classroom. Topics range from depositing and
sharing data, to finding and evaluating data for research and publication,
to curating and managing research data for re-use now and in the
future. Workshop
seats are limited, so register now
to reserve your place!
Council News: 2020/2021 Membership Fees Set

At its June meeting, the ICPSR Council set membership fees
<http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/membership/join.html> one year
in advance as required by the ICPSR Constitution
Fees for FY2021 will increase approximately three percent. The new fees
begin on July 1, 2020 and are posted on the ICPSR membership pages of our
ICPSR Membership Invoices Due!

Invoices for the membership period beginning July 1, 2019, were mailed in
April and are due on August 30. Thanks to all members who have already
paid. Missing your invoice?  Please contact us <icpsr-help at umich.edu> and
help reduce the significant consortium resources typically dedicated to
collecting unpaid membership fees!
2019 Warren E. Miller Award and William H. Flanigan Award Winners Announced!

ICPSR is proud to announce that Raj Chetty (Harvard University) and Judith
Torney-Purta (University of Maryland) have been named the 2019 Miller Award
winners. Ron Nakao (Stanford University) has been named the 2019 Flanigan
Award winner. Awards will be presented to each of the honorees at the 2019
ICPSR Meeting on Thursday, October 17. Read more about the awards and
former award winners
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=A8o0OSNLpSM> Good News
Galore in the Latest ICPSR Bulletin and Annual Report!

The current ICPSR Bulletin
<https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/about/cms/1798> is packed full of
good stuff including ICPSR’s selection as a winner of the National Medal
for Museum Library Service <http://bit.ly/2NfX5Fs>, an introduction to new
projects at ICPSR, and your 2019 Student Research Paper Competition
winners. Then get the annual review in ICPSR’s latest Annual Report
ICPSR Collections Release New Data Available for Summertime Analysis

   - ICPSR data users now have a new window into the experiences of
   transgender people across a wide range of areas via the 2015 US
   Transgender Survey
   (USTS 2015). Available through RCMD
   <https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/RCMD/>, the survey details the
   experiences of transgender people in education, employment, family life,
   health, housing, interactions with police, and more.
   - The Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey (L.A.FANS)
   <https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/DSDR/series/846>is a two-wave
   study of adults and children in Los Angeles County and of the neighborhoods
   in which they live. L.A. FANS, available through DSDR
   <https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/DSDR/index.html>, was
   designed to enable research on neighborhoods themselves and on neighborhood
   effects on households and individuals.
   - And released this month, the Family Exchanges Study Wave 2,
   Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2013
   <https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/NACDA/studies/37317> is available
   to explore! Released and maintained by NACDA
   <https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/NACDA/index.jsp>, the purpose of
   the Family Exchanges Study is to expand knowledge of inter-generational
   transfers by addressing the psychological processes underlying family

ICPSR 101 – By Popular Demand: Training Videos Just For You!

ICPSR has produced several videos (each under three minutes!) that
introduce topics such as data curation, metadata, and depositing data in
short, graspable ways. These ICPSR 101
videos, are great ways to start a presentation, and we welcome your use of
them. More are in the works, so tune in frequently. Have a data-topic that
would be useful for our data community in a short-video format? Please contact
us <icpsr-help at umich.edu>!
Linking to ICPSR Encouraged!

We are often asked if it is okay to link to ICPSR directly from your
websites and LibGuides. Our response is an enthusiastic, “Yes!”  We
encourage it. We suggest that when using in-text linking, that you use ICPSR
<https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/landing.jsp> in the text (as shown)
and/or feel free to use our logo provided here or one of our other ICPSR
logo options

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