[ICPSR] 2015 ICPSR Meeting - Registration Closes Next Week!

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Tue Sep 1 14:57:57 EDT 2015

Greetings ICPSR Data Community!

This is a brief reminder that the 2015 ICPSR Meeting begins in 29
days. *Registration
for the meeting closes on September 11, 2015.*

Information on the workshops (still a few seats left!) and the sessions is
found here:

Links to the registration page is found here:

Note that the registration page also has links to register for the Software
Carpentry Workshop taking place September 28-29:

We look forward to seeing you later this month!

*2015 ICPSR Meeting Conference Chair*


Linda Detterman

Assistant Director, Collection Delivery

Marketing & Membership Director

ICPSR – University of Michigan

lindamd at umich.edu

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