Michelle Overholser
mshukait at umich.edu
Thu Mar 21 13:59:49 EDT 2013
Dear Colleagues,
As part of its mission to support the social sciences, ICPSR presents
biennial awards to individuals who have distinguished themselves in their
service to the social science community. We are seeking your nominations
for these two awards.
The Warren E. Miller Award for Meritorious Service to the Social Sciences
was initiated in 1993 to recognize individuals who have had a profound
impact on social science research and infrastructure. Warren E. Miller, a
founder of ICPSR and its first Executive Director, demonstrated throughout
his career exemplary service to the social science community and a talent
for building institutions that have survived beyond his direct involvement
and continue to prosper.
The William H. Flanigan Award for Distinguished Service as an ICPSR
Representative was established in 1995 and acknowledges significant
contributions of individuals representing ICPSR member institutions. The
award is named after William H. Flanigan, who served as ICPSR Official
Representative from the University of Minnesota for 37 years, from ICPSR's
inception in 1963 until 2000. He also served as Chair of the ICPSR Council
from 1991 to 1993.
Visit our website for more information on previous award
The ICPSR Prizes Committee is constituted in odd numbered years to select
candidates for these awards. We are fortunate to have these members of the
Committee for 2013: Professor Christopher Achen (Princeton University) and
Ms. Marilyn Andrews (University of Regina), ICPSR Council representatives;
Professor Tom W. Smith (University of Chicago) and Ms. Paula Lackie
(Carleton College), previous Miller Award Recipient and Flanigan Award
Recipient respectively; and Sue Hodge, ICPSR staff representative.
Please send your nominations to this special email address:
mf-awards at icpsr.umich.edu
We greatly appreciate a brief summary of the individual's qualifications
and explanation of why the nominee is a worthy recipient. The Prizes
committee will consider the nominations, make a final determination of the
award winners, and inform ICPSR Council of their decision. The awards will
be given during the ICPSR Biennial Meeting of Official Representatives held
October 9-11, 2013 in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Nominations are due no later than April 15.
We welcome your recommendations of outstanding individuals for these two
George Alter
Director, ICPSR
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Michelle Overholser <mshukait at umich.edu>wrote:
> Actually, I can send emails on George's behalf once he makes his edits, he
> can send me the email and I will send it off. Looks like it just comes
> from him.
> Downside, is he gets all the out of office replies. If that doesn't seem
> like a great idea, I can definitely send from me as you suggest.
> Whichever would work best for both of you.
> Michelle
> *************************************************************
> Michelle M. Overholser, Senior Administrative Assistant to the Director
> Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
> The University of Michigan ~ PO Box 1248 ~ Ann Arbor, MI 48106
> (734) 615-8400 FAX (734) 647-8200
> mshukait at umich.edu ~ www.icpsr.umich.edu
> *************************************************************
> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Linda Detterman <lindamd at umich.edu>wrote:
>> Michelle would know more about alias settings than I.
>> Perhaps you just include "On behalf of the prizes committee. . . " and
>> then it comes from you. Their names are mentioned in the text.
>> Then you can send when you are ready from your email.
>> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 12:52 PM, George Alter <altergc at umich.edu> wrote:
>>> Thanks, Linda.
>>> I think that I should write this so that it is coming from me.
>>> Is there a way to have it come from the alias email?
>>> George
>>> ---------------------------------------------------
>>> George Alter
>>> Director, ICPSR
>>> Professor of History, University of Michigan
>>> PO Box 1248, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1248
>>> Tel: 734-615-8700 Fax: 734-647-8200
>>> Email: altergc at umich.edu
>>> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 6:37 AM, Linda Detterman <lindamd at umich.edu>wrote:
>>>> George:
>>>> Here is the text from last time (I edited it for dates, updated the
>>>> links and names for this year already). It appears that last time you sent
>>>> the email on behalf of the committee as they were in the signature - up to
>>>> you on how you want to handle. Note that the alias email will send emails
>>>> to Sue & Michelle.
>>>> Linda
>>>> Dear Colleagues,
>>>> As part of its mission to support the social sciences, ICPSR presents
>>>> biennial awards to individuals who have distinguished themselves in their
>>>> service to the social science community. We are seeking your nominations
>>>> for these two awards.
>>>> The Warren E. Miller Award for Meritorious Service to the Social
>>>> Sciences was initiated in 1993 to recognize individuals who have had a
>>>> profound impact on social science research and infrastructure. Warren E.
>>>> Miller, a founder of ICPSR and its first Executive Director, demonstrated
>>>> throughout his career exemplary service to the social science community and
>>>> a talent for building institutions that have survived beyond his direct
>>>> involvement and continue to prosper.
>>>> The William H. Flanigan Award for Distinguished Service as an ICPSR
>>>> Representative was established in 1995 and acknowledges significant
>>>> contributions of individuals representing ICPSR member institutions. The
>>>> award is named after William H. Flanigan, who served as ICPSR Official
>>>> Representative from the University of Minnesota for 37 years, from ICPSR's
>>>> inception in 1963 until 2000. He also served as Chair of the ICPSR Council
>>>> from 1991 to 1993.
>>>> Visit our website for more information on previous award recipients<http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/membership/awards/index.html>
>>>> .
>>>> The ICPSR Prizes Committee, charged with selecting candidates for these
>>>> awards, is newly constituted in odd numbered years and includes the
>>>> following members for 2013: Professor Christopher Achen and Ms. Marilyn
>>>> Andrews, ICPSR Council representatives; Professor Tom Smith and Ms. Paula
>>>> Lackie previous Miller Award Recipient and Flanigan Award Recipient
>>>> respectively; and Sue Hodge, ICPSR staff representative.
>>>> Please send your nominations to this special email address:
>>>> mf-awards at icpsr.umich.edu and include a brief summary of the
>>>> individual's qualifications and explanation of why the nominee is a worthy
>>>> recipient. The Prizes committee will consider the nominations, make a final
>>>> determination of the award winners, and inform ICPSR Council of their
>>>> decision. The awards will be given during the ICPSR Biennial Meeting of
>>>> Official Representatives held October 9-11, 2013 in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
>>>> Nominations are due no later than April 15.
>>>> We welcome your recommendations of outstanding individuals for these
>>>> two awards.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Chris Achen
>>>> Marilyn Andrews
>>>> Sue Hodge
>>>> Paula Lackie
>>>> Tom Smith
>>>> --
>>>> Linda Detterman
>>>> Assistant Director, Collection Delivery
>>>> Marketing & Membership Director
>>>> ICPSR – University of Michigan
>>>> lindamd at umich.edu
>>>> 734.615.5494
>> --
>> Linda Detterman
>> Assistant Director, Collection Delivery
>> Marketing & Membership Director
>> ICPSR – University of Michigan
>> lindamd at umich.edu
>> 734.615.5494
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