[ICPSR] From ICPSR: 12 Weeks until the ICPSR Meeting! Have you Registered?

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Mon Jul 15 07:34:23 EDT 2013

Dear Official and Designated Representatives and friends of ICPSR,

In 12 short weeks, the ICPSR Biennial Meeting begins!  We are excited to
see registrations building and hope to see still more of you registering to
attend the meeting here in Ann Arbor in October!

The meeting site is found here:

The year's meeting theme is: "Beyond Access: Curating Data for Discovery,
Re-Use, and Impact."  The workshops and program are the most diverse in
terms of content we have offered covering issues including:

   - Thorough introductions to ICPSR data, data tools and services, and
   training opportunities
   - Workshop and sessions on delivering data services
   - Training on incorporating data into the classroom and student research
   - The state of evolving data access issues and repository management
   internal to ICPSR as well as changing requirements from government agencies.

This meeting is designed to encourage professional networking among
attendees within and outside of the workshop and program sessions.  ICPSR's
goal is to make this meeting one of the best opportunities for professional
development that you experience in 2013!

The meeting begins on October 9, 2013.  Be sure to reserve your hotel room
early as on-campus
quickly.  Registration information is found here:

See you in October!

-ICPSR Staff


Linda Detterman

Assistant Director, Collection Delivery

Marketing & Membership Director

ICPSR – University of Michigan

lindamd at umich.edu

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