[ICPSR] China Data Center and ICPSR announce partnership

Dan Meisler dmeisler at isr.umich.edu
Wed Jul 11 10:15:18 EDT 2012

ICPSR is pleased to announce a partnership with the University of Michigan
China Data Center (CDC) effective July 1, 2012. CDC integrates historical,
social, and natural science data on China and offers an online geographic
analysis system. The center provides a rich array of information on China
and offers comprehensive statistics, census data, and spatial data of China
online and on CD. 

CDC will be housed at ICPSR headquarters in the Institute for Social
Research at the University of Michigan and operated as an independent data
³We are extremely excited to welcome the China Data Center and its Director,
Shuming Bao,² said ICPSR Director George Alter. ³The CDC brings important
new dimensions to ICPSR, both in its extensive collection of data about
China and in Dr. Bao¹s expertise in geographic information systems and
spatial analysis.  We expect both ICPSR and CDC to benefit from this new
Membership in CDC and ICPSR remain separate, but Alter expects synergies
between the two organizations to result in added value for both. For
example, technology behind the CDC¹s online China Geo-Explorer may be
applied to ICPSR data.
CDC, which was established in the University of Michigan¹s International
Institute in 1997, will report to an executive committee appointed by the
University of Michigan¹s Vice President for Research. Under a new agreement,
ICPSR provides staff and administrative support for CDC.

CDC¹s Web site is chinadatacenter.org.

Dan Meisler, editor
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
University of Michigan

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