[ICPSR] Call for Student Research Papers - ICPSR Student Research Paper Competition Deadline - January 31, 2013

Linda Detterman lindamd at umich.edu
Thu Dec 13 09:18:12 EST 2012

*Students:  Have you just completed a research paper?  **Faculty:  Have you
just read an outstanding research paper?  Why not submit it to The ICPSR
Research Paper Competition<http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/ICPSR/prize/index.html>

ICPSR invites submissions for our 2013 Research Paper Competition from
undergraduates and master’s students at member institutions. The purpose of
the competitions is to highlight exemplary research papers based on
quantitative analysis. We are holding three contests this year:

   - The ICPSR Research Paper Competition, for analyses on any topic using
   data from the ICPSR General

   - The IFSS Research Paper Competition, for analyses on any topic using
   data from the Integrated Fertility Survey
   - The RCMD Research Paper Competition, for analyses on issues relating
   to minorities in the United States, including immigrants, using data from
   the Resource Center for Minority Data. <http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/RCMD/>

All competitions are open to students currently pursuing or who recently
received undergraduate or master’s degrees.

*The awards are $1,000 for first place and $750 for second place in each

More information is found here:


Linda Detterman

Assistant Director, Collection Delivery

Marketing & Membership Director

ICPSR – University of Michigan

lindamd at umich.edu

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