[ICPSR] IASSIST 2010: Call For Papers

Amy Pienta apienta at umich.edu
Thu Sep 24 10:22:03 EDT 2009

****IASSIST 2010****

Theme: Social Data and Social Networking: Connecting Social Science
Communities across the Globe
Dates: 1-4 June 2010
Location: Ithaca, NY, USA

IASSIST 2010, the 36th Annual Conference of the International
Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology
(IASSIST) will be hosted by the Cornell Institute for Social and
Economic Research (CISER) and Cornell University Library (CUL) and  
will be held at Cornell University, in Ithaca, New York, USA, on 1-4
June 2010.

The theme of this year's conference is Social Data and Social
Networking: Connecting Social Science Communities across the Globe.  
Social science has begun to feel the impact of the dramatic shift in
communication patterns globally, where social networking and other  
digital media trends are changing how social scientists study the world
around them.  This theme is intended to stimulate discussion  
about the impact of social networking on the creation, collection,
sharing, storage, preservation, dissemination, confidentiality,  
licensing of, and access to data.  Of particular interest is how social
connectivity has facilitated multi-site and cross-national  
social science research.

A webform for submission of proposals will be available on the
conference web site: http://ciser.cornell.edu/IASSIST/ from 12 October  

Deadline for submission: 30 November 2009.

Notification of acceptance: 1 February 2010.

For more information about the conference, including travel and
accommodation, see the attached PDF Call for Papers or visit the  
conference web site at: http://ciser.cornell.edu/IASSIST/ .

IASSIST is an international organization of professionals working in and
with information technology and data services to support research and
teaching in the social sciences. Typical workplaces include data
archives/libraries, statistical agencies, research centers, libraries,
academic departments, government departments, and non-profit
organizations, see http://www.iassistdata.org for further information.

Amy M. Pienta, Ph.D.
Associate Research Scientist &
Acquisitions Director
ICPSR, University of Michigan
PO Box 1248 
Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1248
734-615-7957 (direct)
734-647-8700 (fax)
For overnight packages:
330 Packard
2152 Perry Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

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